[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 29, Number 39
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon Nov 11 16:00:42 PST 2019
Volume 29, Number 39
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. FINAL REMINDER: Call for Proposals for New GEM Focus Groups – Deadline November 22, 2019
2. FINAL REMINDER - GEM Seeks Two M&V Resource Group Members
3. 2020 Heliophysics Summer School - Explosive Space Weather Events and Their Impacts
4. EGU 2020 Session PS5.3: Outer planet moon-magnetosphere interaction
5. Faculty Position in Space Plasma Physics, Physics Department, College of Sciences and Mathematics, Auburn University
6. Graduate Research Assistantship Opportunities at Clemson University
1. FINAL REMINDER: Call for Proposals for New GEM Focus Groups – Deadline November 22, 2019
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu)
The GEM Steering Committee (SC) is now accepting proposals for new Focus Groups (FGs), which are due by 5 pm (ET) Friday, November 22, 2019. The official guidelines are given in the GEM by-laws: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/index.php/GEM_Bylaws and a more informal description is given at this page (now linked from the main page of the wiki): http://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/pdf/GEM_ForFocusGroupLeaders.pdf
Proposals should be no more than 4 pages in length and must include:
1) An abstract of the Focus Group proposal.
2) A description of the topic.
3) A statement on the timeliness of the FG idea.
4) A description of how the FG would relate to existing FGs.
5) A specific goal that includes a deliverable. Deliverables can be GGCM modules, empirical relations that lead to modules, solutions to specific science problems, challenges, data sets for validation and metrics, or paper collections.
6) The names of the proposed co-chairs. (Voting members of the SC and graduate students are not permitted to be co-chairs.)
7) The Research Area with which it will be associated.
8) The length of the term, not more than 4 years, and a justification for the term length.
9) Expected activities, for example, topics of WG sessions or challenges and approaches to encourage an interactive “GEM-Style” focus group.
Please note two important changes to the focus group proposal process from past years. First, the length of the term is now limited to four years instead of five (less than four is acceptable, as well), and there should be a brief justification for the number of years being proposed. A focus group can apply for an extension to a fifth year if desired. Second, graduate students are not permitted to be co-chairs.
The currently active FGs, their descriptions, research areas, and terms are available on the GEM website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/index.php/GEM_Focus_Groups
Please keep in mind that on one hand we want to have active FGs operating under the umbrella of each Research Area, but there is no upper limit to the number within a research area. The GEM SC will consider all proposals received before the submission deadline.
Submitted proposals will be sent to the SC. A breakout session at the Mini-GEM workshop will be held to allow proposers to present their proposals (~5-10 minutes) and answer questions from the SC and the community. The SC will discuss the proposals and vote at its Fall Mini-GEM meeting which FGs to implement. The website (https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/index.php/GEM_Bylaws) contains a new list of criteria that are commonly used to assess FG proposals.
Please send FG proposals to the GEM Steering Committee Chair Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu) and Chair-Elect Vania Jordanova (vania at lanl.gov). Questions should be directed to the SC Chair or to the specific Research Area Coordinator for your topic, available at
2. FINAL REMINDER - GEM Seeks Two M&V Resource Group Members
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu)
We are soliciting applications for two new positions on a Metrics and Validation (M&V) Resource Group at GEM. Since 2005, the Metrics and Validation and Modeling Methods and Validation Focus Groups have supported modeling efforts at GEM. There was recently a grassroots movement to change the approach to have a standing committee – the Methods & Validation Resource Group – that was approved by the GEM SC to play that role instead. The M&V Resource Group will have four members on staggered terms of four years, with two new members selected every two years. Two members from the M&V focus group will stay on. Thus, we are seeking applications from the community for the other two openings. To apply, please send a brief (one page) CV and a 1-2 paragraph statement of interest including your past experience in validation and your interest in the position to Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak AT mail.wvu.edu) and Vania Jordanova (vania AT lanl.gov). The deadline to receive applications is midnight on Friday, November 22.
3. 2020 Heliophysics Summer School - Explosive Space Weather Events and Their Impacts
From: Kendra Greb (kgreb at ucar.edu)
Explosive Space Weather Events and their Impacts
NASA’s Living with a Star Heliophysics Summer School
July 14 - 21, 2020
Boulder, CO
Application Deadline: February 21, 2020
We welcome you to apply for the 2020 Heliophysics Summer School to be held in beautiful Boulder, CO. We are seeking advanced graduate students, as well as post doctoral students, who have completed some research in the area of space physics or related fields. You will learn about the exciting science of heliophysics as a broad, coherent discipline that reaches in space from the Earth’s troposphere to the depths of the Sun, and in time from the formation of the solar system to the distant future.
The 2020 Summer School will focus on the foundations of Heliophysics with particular focus on transient energetic events such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geomagnetic storms. The lecture series will include a core set of lectures covering the fundamentals of heliophysics and lectures devoted to the physics underlying explosive events. Additional lectures will cover the impacts these events have on life and technology, how these effects might be mitigated, and how the events might be forecast. The lectures will be supplemented with hands-on laboratory exercises that explore the fundamentals Sun-Earth system. Both lectures and laboratories will draw on a set of 5 textbooks developed over previous years of the summer school. The aim of the summer school is to provide students with the background and understanding they need to do research and make discoveries about the interconnected Heliophysics system in their professional careers.
For more information please visit: https://cpaess.ucar.edu/heliophysics/summer-school
4. EGU 2020 Session PS5.3: Outer planet moon-magnetosphere interaction
From: Hans Huybrighs (hans.huybrighs at esa.int)
EGU 2020 Session PS5.3: Outer planet moon-magnetosphere interaction
Abstract deadline 15 Jan 2020
EGU 2020 May 3-8 Vienna, Austria
The focus of this session is the interaction between the outer planet moons in our Solar System and their magnetospheric environment. Prior developments in this field have lead to significant discoveries (e.g. subsurface oceans) and have given rise to new open questions (e.g. active plumes on Europa). Considering the unprecedented opportunity to study these interactions with the upcoming ESA’s JUICE and NASA’s Europa Clipper missions it is essential to bring together the space community on this topic. This session is important to maximize the scientific output of past and current missions, in support of the future missions.
The different topics include (but are not limited to) the fundamental electromagnetic interactions of satellites enclosed in diverse atmospheric envelopes, the effect of active processes (e.g. plumes and volcanoes) on the local electromagnetic fields, the existence of sub-surface (magma) oceans, space weathering of moon surfaces, preparatory studies for future missions, supporting laboratory studies, simulation studies and observations (remote/in-situ).
Abstracts on all outer planet moons are welcome, including those in the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Rhea, and Titan) and those in the not-well explored magnetospheres of Neptune and Uranus. Missions of particular relevance include Galileo, Voyager, Cassini-Huygens, Hisaki, Juno, JUICE and Europa Clipper.
Convenors: Hans Huybrighs, Shahab Fatemi, Lina Hadid, Anna Kotova
5. Faculty Position in Space Plasma Physics, Physics Department, College of Sciences and Mathematics, Auburn University
From: David Maurer (DAM0014 at auburn.edu)
The Physics Department at Auburn University is seeking a qualified individual for a tenure-track faculty position in Space Plasma Physics at the Assistant Professor level. Current Auburn Space Physics group expertise is in computational modeling of the magnetosphere in particular ULF dynamics and magnetic reconnection phenomena, and also in the analysis of satellite image data for validation of magnetospheric physics models. Candidates should have research interests in areas of Space Plasma Physics complementary to those in which the Auburn group is currently active. Applications in theoretical, computational, or experimental areas of Space Plasma Physics are encouraged. The successful candidate will be expected to: (1) demonstrate strong leadership potential in the area of Space Plasma Physics, (2) participate in further developing the Space Plasma Physics group research portfolio at Auburn University, (3) provide direction to undergraduate, graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in Space Plasma Physics, and (4) conduct excellent instruction at the undergraduate and graduate level in the Physics curriculum. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in physics or a closely related field at the time employment begins. Post-doctoral research experience is highly desirable. Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills are required.
Candidates must apply online at:
(NOTE that an earlier GEM message for the position had the above link incorrectly spelled)
Applications need to include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research and the names and contact information for three professional references. More information about the department can be found at: http://www.physics.auburn.edu
The review of applications will begin on December 2, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. The desired starting date is August 16, 2020. The candidate selected for this position must be able to meet eligibility requirements to work in the United States at the time the appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment.
Auburn University is understanding of and sensitive to the family needs of faculty, including dual career couples. Please visit the following link for more information:
In addition, for information about the Auburn University community please visit:
Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability Employer and committed to building an inclusive and diverse community
6. Graduate Research Assistantship Opportunities at Clemson University
From: Stephen Kaeppler (skaeppl at clemson.edu)
The Atmospheric and Space Physics Group at Clemson University has several graduate research assistantships and invites qualified students to apply to the graduate program in Physics at Clemson University. Currently, we are seeking students that have an interest in the following areas:
1. Satellite data analysis from the TIMED, GOLD and ICON missions
2. Numerical modeling and observation of the ionosphere and thermosphere, and atmospheric waves
3. Incoherent scatter radar data analysis of the auroral ionosphere/thermosphere
4. Investigations from the recently funded INCAA and VortEx sounding rocket experiments.
Interested students can contact Prof. Stephen Kaeppler (skaeppl at clemson.edu) for more information or visit the Atmospheric and Space Physics group website: https://www.clemson.edu/science/departments/physics-astro/research/atmospheric.html. The application deadline is 1 January 2020 and the application can be found at https://www.clemson.edu/graduate/admissions/apply/index.html
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, Editor of the GEM Messenger, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>.
GemWiki website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/
Workshop Coordinator website: https://gemworkshop.org/
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