[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 29, Number 40
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 20 19:26:21 PST 2019
Volume 29, Number 40
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. 2019 Mini-GEM Workshop Schedule Released
2. ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications 2019 Mini-GEM Session
3. Dual-Anonymous Review in ROSES 2020
4. MEETING: The 9th VERSIM Workshop at Kyoto University, March 23-27, 2020 - Uji, Kyoto, Japan [Deadline for Submission: NOVEMBER 30TH 2019]
5. SAVE THE DATE - June 8-12, 2020 - 2nd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium
6. Webinar: MMS Data in Python with pySPEDAS
7. Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Michigan
8. Graduate Student Positions in Space Physics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
9. PhD Position in Geomagnetism at GFZ Potsdam
1. 2019 Mini-GEM Workshop Schedule Released
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu)
On behalf of the GEM Meeting Organizers, we’re happy to share that the schedule for the Mini-GEM workshop is now available online. The link is at https://gemworkshop.org/; it runs from 12-5pm on Sunday, December 8 at the Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway. There is a pre-meeting ground-based magnetometer forum at 8am and a student town hall at 10am. New focus group proposals will be presented starting at 5pm. If you plan to attend the workshop, please register at the above website (no fee) so we can better prepare for refreshments. All community members are welcome; those interested in participating in a session should contact the focus group leaders directly. Looking forward to seeing you there! (As a reminder, new focus group proposals and nominations for the Methods and Validation Resource Group are due this Friday, November 22!)
2. ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications 2019 Mini-GEM Session
From: Mike Hartinger, Kazue Takahashi, Alexander Drozdov, Maria Usanova, Brian Kress (mdhartin at vt.edu)
The GEM ULF wave focus group will have one session at the 2019 mini-GEM meeting. Please contact the co-chairs by Dec 4 to request a presentation.
ULF wave modeling challenge event, HGSO coordination, and research highlights, 3:30 PM Nevada Room: The first part of the session is for updates on the ULF wave modeling challenge and potential 2020 GEM sessions. The next part is open for ULF wave research presentations discussing the modeling challenge event (27 May 2017 storm) or current/upcoming observation campaigns that are particularly useful for ULF wave studies. The last part of the session is open for 1 slide ULF wave research highlights.
Please see the wiki page for updates on the schedule and other information about FG activities: https://tinyurl.com/yg4n6vw5
3. Dual-Anonymous Review in ROSES 2020
From: Mona Kessel (mona.kessel at nasa.gov)
The Heliophysics Guest Investigators Open Program and the cross-cutting Habitable Worlds Program will be implementing dual-anonymous review as a pilot program in ROSES 2020. Potential proposers are invited to an informational meeting at the fall AGU meeting in San Francisco on how to write anonymized proposals. The meeting will be held on December 12, 2019, at the Parc 55 Hotel Cyril Magnin I/II at 12:30 pm. There will be a short presentation followed by Q&A.
Motivated by a successful study conducted for the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate is conducting the pilot program in ROSES-2020 to evaluate proposals using dual-anonymous peer review. Under this system, not only are proposers unaware of the identity of the members on the review panel, but the reviewers do not have explicit knowledge of the identities of the proposing team. Step-1 and Step-2 proposals will continue to be submitted via NSPIRES. Proposers must fill in all required information on the cover pages: any identifying information will be automatically redacted by NASA in the copy provided to reviewers. Both the Step-1 abstract and the Step-2 proposal will need to be anonymized.
SMD is strongly committed to ensuring that the review of proposals is performed in an equitable and fair manner that reduces the impacts of any unconscious biases.
For questions please contact Mona Kessel at nasa.gov
4. MEETING: The 9th VERSIM Workshop at Kyoto University, March 23-27, 2020 - Uji, Kyoto, Japan [Deadline for Submission: NOVEMBER 30TH 2019]
From: Yoshiharu Omura (omura at rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
The 9th VERSIM Workshop will be held at the Uji Campus of Kyoto
University, Japan, from March 23 to 27, 2020.
Plasma structures and boundaries - morphology and dynamics
Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions
Wave-induced particle precipitation
Wave propagation in magnetosphere and ionosphere
Sprites and the effects of lightning on the ionosphere
Results of recent space missions such as Arase, MMS, and Van Allen Probes
Scientific Program Committee:
Jacob Bortnik (UCLA, USA)
Mark A. Clilverd (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Craig Rodger (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Janos Lichtenberger (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary)
Jyrki Manninen (University of Oulu, Finland)
Andrei G. Demekhov (Polar Geophysical Institute, Russia)
Rajesh Singh (Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, India)
Binbin Ni (Wuhan University, China)
Yoshiharu Omura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Oleksiy Aagpitov / Jay Albert / Narges Ahmadi / Daniel Baker / Michael
Balikhin / Robert Bingham / James Burch / Gerard Chanteur / Chris
Crabtree / John Foster / Mei-Ching Fok / Huishan Fu / Gurudas Gangli /
Mark Golkowski / Mitsuru Hikishima / Richard Horne / Masahiro Hoshino
/ Allison Jaynes / Shrikanth Kanekal / Satoshi Kasahara / Yoshiya
Kasahara / Yuto Katoh / Khan-Hyuk Kim / Craig Kletzing / Guan Le / Wen
Li / Xinlin Li / Quanming Lu / Evgeny Mishin / Yoshizumi Miyoshi /
Frantisek Nemec, Toshi Nishimura / Geoff Reeves / Dennis Papodopoulos
/ Jean-Francois Ripoll / Ondrej Santolik / Kazuo Shiokawa / David
Shklyar / Yuri Shpritz / Xin Tao / Weichao Tu / Bruce Tsurutani / Drew
Turner / Maria Usanova / Frederick Wilder / Xu-Zhi Zhou / Qiu-Gang
E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to
versim2020 at rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp
5. SAVE THE DATE - June 8-12, 2020 - 2nd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium
From: Kendra Greb (kgreb at ucar.edu)
As our planet becomes one among many thousands of known worlds, our needs to understand how Earth’s space and climate react to our variable star grow in urgency.
Please join us in Vail, CO for the 2nd Eddy Cross Disciplinary Symposium. The aim of the Symposium is to bring scientists (both early-career and more senior) together, from diverse disciplines, to help define the next decade of helio-physical research, including its implications for planetary and astrophysical objects.
This Eddy Symposium will focus upon techniques for optimizing scientific return to broad questions such as:
- How do we tackle the diversity of physical conditions and multi-scale science needed to arrive at a more holistic understanding of heliophysics?
- What new threats does solar variability bring within a changed climate?
Monday, June 8 - Wednesday, June 10
General session open to all attendees. Will include talks, discussions, posters, and more.
Thursday, June 11 - Friday, June 12
By invitation only.
For more information please visit the 2nd Eddy Symposium Website.
For more information, please contact Kendra Greb (UCAR/CPAESS). Limited travel funding may be available for early career scientists - please contact Kendra for more information.
Funding for the Symposium is provided by NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
6. Webinar: MMS Data in Python with pySPEDAS
From: Eric Grimes, Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos and the SPEDAS team (egrimes at igpp.ucla.edu)
The SPEDAS development team invites you to a webinar we'll be holding on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern. The focus of this webinar will be on loading and plotting MMS data in Python with pySPEDAS and pyTplot.
Tentative agenda:
1) Introduction to the load routines and configuration options
2) Ephemeris/Coordinates data
3) FIELDS data, including curlometer calculations
4) EPD (FEEPS/EIS) data, including pitch angle distributions
5) Plasma (FPI/HPCA) data
Time: Dec 4, 2019 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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7. Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Michigan
From: Mark Moldwin (mmoldwin at umich.edu)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the University of Michigan to begin in 2020. The primary research involves the development of ground and space-based magnetometers for the study of the Earth, the Moon and Europa’s space environments and analysis of data for understanding geomagnetic field-aligned-currents, ULF waves, and geophysical remote sensing of Europa’s near and sub-surface environments. The University of Michigan, the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering and the Magnetometer Laboratory offer extensive professional development and networking opportunities for academic, professional and personal growth.
To apply visit https://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/181079/research_fellow
Complete applications ask for a cover letter stating research interests and experience, a CV, and the names and addresses of two references. For additional information contact Mark Moldwin (mmoldwin at umich.edu). Review of materials begins January 6, 2020 and continues until the position is filled. If you will be at AGU feel free to contact me.
8. Graduate Student Positions in Space Physics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
From: Hyunju Connor (hkconnor at alaska.edu)
The Physics department and the Geophysical institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) are looking for multiple PhD/MS students in Space Physics.
The students are expected to be involved in the simulation and data analysis of various in-situ and remote-sensing data from the space and ground observatories to study the Earth’s magnetosphere - ionosphere system and the planetary magnetospheres. Multiple research and teaching assistantships are currently available for suitable candidates.
Candidates should hold a BSc or MSc in Physics, Space Physics, Astronomy or other related fields. The application deadline is Mar 1 for international students and Jun 1 for US citizens. We encourage early submission to be considered for financial assistance. Details of graduate school application can be found at https://www.uaf.edu/physics/graduate-programs/ and https://www.uaf.edu/gradsch/prospective/.
The Space Physics and Aeronomy research group at the Geophysical institute studies the Earth’s geospace environment and the magnetospheres of other planets. Major topics investigated by the group are associated with the response of the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere to solar disturbances that reach the Earth after propagating through interplanetary space. Most significantly we study the aurora borealis, a spectacular natural phenomenon that can be observed from Fairbanks on a regular basis.
Researchers in the group carry out their studies using theory and simulation, sounding rockets, analysis of satellite-based observations, and ground-based observations of magnetic fluctuations, low-frequency sound waves, light from auroral emissions and radio signals reflected from atmospheric irregularities. The group is affiliated with the UAF Physics and Electrical Engineering departments, Poker Flat Research Range, the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar, SuperDARN and HAARP.
Details of the Space Physics and Aeronomy research group can be found at https://www.gi.alaska.edu/research/space-physics-and-aeronomy.
9. PhD Position in Geomagnetism at GFZ Potsdam
From: Claudia Stolle (cstolle at gfz-potsdam.de)
GFZ Potsdam, Germany, invites applications for a PhD position in the field of analysing satellite magnetometers to characterize ionospheric currents. More details and the announcement for the position are found at:
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, Editor of the GEM Messenger, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>.
GemWiki website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/
Workshop Coordinator website: https://gemworkshop.org/
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