[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 30, Number 9
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon Mar 16 11:47:16 PDT 2020
Volume 30, Number 9
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. IMPORTANT - Migration of GEM Messenger
1. IMPORTANT - Migration of GEM Messenger
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak AT mail.wvu.edu) and Vania Jordanova (vania AT lanl.gov)
Dear GEM Community,
This is an important email about GEM communications; please read it in its entirety. We are migrating the communications for the GEM Messenger from a UCLA server to MailChimp. This is the last entry you will ever get from the UCLA version, and the first entry you will ever get from the MailChimp version! Why are we migrating the GEM Messenger? The main motivation is the new platform is free (to the community and to its users). The second motivation is the new platform is not tied to a particular institution, allowing easier portability as Steering Committee members change.
Please read below for important information.
(1) Everyone signed up for the GEM Messenger as of March 15, 2020, was automatically enrolled in the new version using the same email address. Thus, if you are getting this email, you do _not_ need to go anywhere to sign up for the new GEM Messenger.
(2) Anyone not already enrolled who wishes to sign up for the new GEM Messenger needs to go to http://eepurl.com/gOKyGv, and follow the instructions. The old link is no longer valid, effective immediately.
(3) Emails from the new GEM Messenger will come from geospace.environment.modeling at gmail.com. A test message from the new GEM Messenger will come out within a few minutes of this email. Please confirm you get it! If you don’t, please check your spam folder and confirm this email address makes it through your spam filter if necessary. If you do not receive the test message, please send an email to the above email address.
(4) There is a new link to submit entries to the GEM Messenger: https://bit.ly/3aIugsL. It works just like the old one. Please use the new link, effective immediately. The old link will no longer be monitored.
(5) The GEM Wiki has had a page devoted to the GEM Messenger, including a link to archives of it since 2014. This page has been updated; please go https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/index.php/GEM_Messenger for more information.
(6) If you experience any problems with the new site, please send an email to geospace.environment.modeling at gmail.com with a description of the problem.
As many of you know, GEM community member Peter Chi has served the community as Communications Coordinator for many years, and this transition coincides with the completion of his service to the community. We have gotten nothing but positive feedback from the community about the amazing work that Peter has done for the community for such a long time. With this email, we would like to express our gratitude to Peter for all he has done and to thank him for his service! As we continue with the new GEM Messenger, we intend to carry on the policies and procedures that he has developed. Next time you see Peter, please give him a hearty thanks for all he has done!
Thank you for your assistance as we make this migration!
Paul and Vania
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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