Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Jul 20 22:59:15 PDT 2017
Volume XXIV, Issue 41
Table of Contents
1. DRIVE Science Centers RFI
2. MEETING: Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics 2018, 7-13 January 2018, Kona, Hawaii - Abstract and Registration Open
3. MEETING: International Workshop on Solar, Heliospheric & Magnetospheric Radioastronomy : The Legacy of Jean-Louis Steinberg (1922 – 2016), Paris Observatory, Meudon, 6-10 November 2017 -- Registration Open
4. Monday Science Telecon
5. 2018 Forums for New Leaders in Space Science
6. MMS Plug-ins Session: Analyzing MMS data with SPEDAS
Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, Kevin Addison
E-mail: editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
DRIVE Science Centers RFI
From: Janet Kozyra (Janet.Kozyra at nasa.gov)
NASA is soliciting input to assist the Heliophysics Division in NASA's Science Mission Directorate and NSF’s Atmospheric and Geospace Science Division in planning a solicitation in the 2018 timeframe for DRIVE-Inspired Integrative Science Centers, focused on ambitious and achievable grand challenge goals to deliver on innovative and breakthrough science, via a NASA-NSF partnership. Responses of up to 10 pages to this Request for Information should be submitted by August 18, 2017, via NSPIRES in response to NNH17ZDA008L.
DRIVE-Inspired Integrative Science Centers (hereinafter called DRIVE Centers) envisioned to be implemented as a NASA-NSF partnership, are part of an integrated multi-agency initiative, DRIVE (Diversity, Realize, Integrate, Venture, Educate), put forward as a high priority recommendation of the 2013 Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey. The DRIVE Centers are envisioned to be focused on grand challenge goals that are both ambitious and achievable within the lifetime of the center. Under the auspices of the DRIVE initiative, the Decadal Survey recommended, "NASA and NSF together should create science centers to tackle the key science problems of solar and space physics that require multidisciplinary teams of theorists, observers, modelers, and computer scientists." In order to maximize the potential for these science centers to deliver on innovative and breakthrough science, a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences, Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, recommends that they be designed with aspects that support collaboration and deep knowledge integration across the full range of expertise (scientific, computational, educational) within them.
This RFI is released in parallel to input from the Committee on Solar and Space Physics provided through their 2017 report (http://www.nap.edu/24803), "Heliophysics Science Centers". Both will be fully considered in planning a solicitation for DRIVE Centers.
For more information, including references and existing resources and opportunities, which may be useful in planning such a center, please see the full text of the RFI on NSPIRES under NNH17ZDA008L. This open solicitation can be located on (https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/solicitations.do?method=open).
Questions concerning this Request for Information should be addressed to
Janet Kozyra
Heliophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
Office: 202-358-1258
Cell: 202-875-3278
Janet.Kozyra at nasa.gov
MEETING: Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics 2018, 7-13 January 2018, Kona, Hawaii - Abstract and Registration Open
From: Hui Zhang, Tony Lui, Qiugang Zong (hzhang14 at alaska.edu)
Abstract submission for the conference on Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics, is now open at https://goo.gl/forms/OfHxMDn3Eh8ikPCI2
Registration Fee: $450 (includes icebreaker on Sunday, lunches Monday-Friday, conference banquet on Thursday, excursion to Volcano Park)
Please register and/or purchase guest tickets at the following link:
A conference on Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics will be held from 7 to 13 January 2018 in Kona, Hawaii. The main theme of this conference is to focus on understanding the variability of space plasma phenomena, encompassing those related to the Sun and all planets within our solar system.
Variability of space plasma environment is the norm rather than the exception. The cause of this variability is still under active research. In the interplanetary medium, plasma parameters change continually, permeated by plasma waves, shocks, turbulence, co-rotating interaction regions, and coronal mass ejections that agitate the environment. Such disturbances in the solar wind can lead to geomagnetic storms, which do not seem to produce relativistic electrons in the radiation belt according to their intensity. The ionosphere has variability that impacts severely radio communications. Its outflows during geomagnetic active periods can modify dramatically the magnetospheric population and physical processes within.
In other planets, plasma sources from their moons play a similar role in influencing magnetospheric environment and processes much like that of the Earth's ionospheric plasma source. Information exchange on magnetospheric research between Earth and other planets can provide valuable insights into universal processes occurring throughout our solar system. Understanding and predicting the variability of space plasma phenomena requires knowledge of not only individual physical processes or magnetospheric phenomena but also the interplay between them in a system-wide approach.
More information on the conference is available at the following link: http://hawaiiconference2018.gi.alaska.edu
Hui Zhang (hzhang14 at alaska.edu)
Tony Lui (tony.lui at jhuapl.edu)
Qiugang Zong (qgzong at pku.edu.cn)
MEETING: International Workshop on Solar, Heliospheric & Magnetospheric Radioastronomy : The Legacy of Jean-Louis Steinberg (1922 – 2016), Paris Observatory, Meudon, 6-10 November 2017 -- Registration Open
From: Milan Maksimovic (milan.maksimovic at obspm.fr)
The aim of this workshop is to cover the science topics which Jean-Louis Steinberg, one of the major pioneers in radioastronomy, has promoted during his career, focusing on Solar, Heliospheric & Magnetospheric radioastronomy & physics. This will be done by covering both observations from either ground facilities (NDA, RH, LOFAR, Artemis etc …) or space missions (ISSEE, Ulysses, WIND, CLUSTER, STEREO, CASSINI, JUNO etc …) and models/theories. A series of invited talks is also foreseen to cover the new developments in the discipline which may come with the future facilities such as Solar Orbiter, Solar Probe Plus, JUICE, JUNO, LOFAR+, SKA etc ….
The REGISTRATION and ABSTRACT submission are now open at
Monday Science Telecon
From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)
At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (July 24), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Xueling Shi from Virginia Tech. The topic will be "A Survey of Ionospheric ULF Wave Signatures in SuperDARN Data: Occurrence Statistics and Driving Mechanisms".
The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please
go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting, enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!
To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533
Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
2018 Forums for New Leaders in Space Science
From: David H. Smith and Sarah Gibson (dhsmith at nas.edu)
The Space Studies Board of US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are pleased to invite applications to participate in the 7th and 8th Forums for New Leaders in Space Science.
The Forums, initiated in 2014, are designed to provide opportunities for a highly select group of young scientists to discuss their research activities in an intimate and collegial environment at meetings to be held in China and the United States. The 7th and 8th Forums will be devoted to space astronomy and astrophysics and solar and space physics and will be held on 23-24 January 2018 (in Guangzhou, China) and 12-13 July 2018 (in Pasadena, California). Both events will include focused presentations by young scientists, topical presentations by senior scientists, and group discussions. Participants will be selected by an International Program Committee.
The travel and subsistence costs for participants based in the US will be paid by the National Academies. Travel costs for China-based participants will be paid by their own organizations. The local host will provide three nights of hotel accommodation.
Applications deadline 28 July 2017. Additional details and application procedures at http://sites.nationalacademies.org/SSB/SSB_086017
MMS Plug-ins Session: Analyzing MMS data with SPEDAS
From: Eric Grimes, Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos and the SPEDAS team (egrimes at igpp.ucla.edu)
Dear Space Physics community
The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS) development team would like to invite you to participate in a Webex presentation we'll be holding during the first week of August.
On Wednesday August 2 at 9:30am Pacific, we'll be hosting a session focusing on using SPEDAS to analyze MMS data. For more information on the MMS plug-in in SPEDAS, please see: http://spedas.org/wiki/index.php?title=MMS
If there are any particular questions or topics of general interest that you'd like to see covered, please send your suggestions to Eric Grimes, egrimes at igpp.ucla.edu, and we'll try to work them in.
See below for the agenda and Webex connection info.
Eric Grimes, Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos and the SPEDAS team
MMS Plug-ins Session: Analyzing MMS data with SPEDAS
Time: August 2, 9:30am-12:30pm Pacific
URL: https://uclaigpp.webex.com/uclaigpp
Meeting name = MMS Plug-ins webinar
Password = MMS_with_sp3das
Phone to use: 1-888-921-8686
Conference ID/pass = 3107947090 and press # International callers dial:
Tentative agenda:
1. Introduction to load routines and keywords
2. FIELDS examples (FGM, SCM, EDP, EDI)
3. EPD examples (EIS, FEEPS)
4. Plasma examples (FPI, HPCA)
5. Questions
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
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(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MAJOR CONFERENCES: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
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