Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sat May 12 10:31:21 PDT 2018

Volume XXV, Issue 28


Table of Contents

1. Editor-in-Chief for Radio Science Search

2. Volunteers Heliophysics Reviewers

3. Call for Community Input to LWS TR&T Focused Science Topics

4. NASA ROSES-18 Amendment - Heliosphysics Operations-to-Research Opportunity

5. Monday Science Telecon, May 14

6. Living with a Star Program Analysis Group Town Hall at TESS Meeting

7. ISSS-13 Abstract Submission and Registration Now Open

8. MEETING: COSPAR Space Weather Capacity Building Workshop 2018 - deadline May 15

9. MEETING: Polar Perspectives 2018 - A Workshop to Discuss The Path to a Solar Polar Exploration Mission 

10. MEETING: ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics Workshop 2018

11. Special issue on Active Experiments in Space

12. Space Weather Special Collection "Space Weather Capabilities Assessment" -- Call for Papers

13. COURSE: The Polar Upper Atmosphere: from Science to Operational Issues

14. Two new RHESSI Science Nuggets


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Editor-in-Chief for Radio Science Search

From: Morris Cohen (mcohen at gatech.edu)

AGU is looking for a dynamic, well-organized scientist with high editorial standards and strong leadership skills to serve a 4-year term as the editor in chief for this exciting journal. 

The Editor-in-Chief is the principal architect of the scientific content of the journal. The EIC is an active scientist, well-known and well-regarded in his/her discipline. The EIC must be active in soliciting the best science from the best scientists to be published in the journal. Working with the other editors and AGU staff, the EIC is the arbiter of the content of the journal.

Radio Science publishes original scientific contributions on radio-frequency electromagnetic-propagation and its applications. Contributions covering measurement, modelling, prediction and forecasting techniques pertinent to fields and waves - including antennas, signals and systems, the terrestrial and space environment and radio propagation problems in radio astronomy - are welcome. Contributions may address propagation through, interaction with, and remote sensing of structures, geophysical media, plasmas, and materials, as well as the application of radio frequency electromagnetic techniques to remote sensing of the Earth and other bodies in the solar system.

If you would like to be considered for the Editor in Chief position of Radio Science, send your curriculum vitae with a letter of interest via email to pubmatters at agu.org. If you would like to nominate a highly qualified colleague, send a letter of recommendation to the same email address. Please make sure that you specify Radio Science in the subject line of the email.		

Deadline for applications is 30 May 2018.


Volunteers Heliophysics Reviewers

From: Jim Spann (jim.spann at nasa.gov)

As you know, the review process for the NASA Heliophysics ROSES proposals is dependent on community involvement. A wide range of subject matter is covered in the Heliophysics ROSES program calls, and experts are needed in each area for a successful and robust peer review process to occur. Please consider volunteering to serve on review panels by signing up on the following link:  

With your service you can give back the community.

Thank you in advance for supporting this critical element of our discipline.
Jim Spann, Acting Chief Scientist, Heliophysics Division


Call for Community Input to LWS TR&T Focused Science Topics

From: Mark Linton (mark.linton at nrl.navy.mil)

The 2018 NASA Living with a Star Targeted Research and Technology (LWS TR&T) Program Analysis Group (LPAG https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/lpag) executive committee (EC) will soon begin developing the next round of LWS focused science topics for ROSES 2019 and beyond. It is vital for the success of the LWS TR&T program that there be active community engagement in the development of annual TR&T science topics. We are therefore asking the Heliophysics community to provide input by July 2, 2018 for these topics.

Suggested science topics should be organized around achieving the goals set out in the strategic science areas (SSA’s) articulated in the LWS Ten Year Vision:

Physics-based Understanding to Enable Forecasting of:
• SSA-0, Solar Electromagnetic, Energetic Particle, and Plasma Outputs Driving the Solar System Environment and Inputs to Earth’s Atmosphere
(note, Sun-Climate topics fall under SSA-0)
• SSA-1, Geomagnetic Variability
• SSA-2, Satellite Drag
• SSA-3, Solar Energetic Particle
• SSA-4, Total Electron Content
• SSA-5, Ionospheric Scintillation
• SSA-6, Radiation Environment

Input may be entered through the LWS TR&T website at: https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/input/. To view and comment on input which has been submitted in response to this call, please go to:

To view the topics which were developed from community input by the previous TR&T committee in 2016, see the final report of that committee at:
https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/pdf/LWSTRT-Report-2016-Final.pdf and the original community input and comments at: https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/viewinput/2016/. Any topics in this 2016 report which were not selected by NASA for the ROSES 2017 TR&T call, or which are not selected by NASA for the upcoming ROSES 2018 TR&T call will be reviewed by the LPAG EC. Community input regarding updates to those topics is welcome.

We greatly look forward to your input and to continuing on the path of innovation and scientific exploration in the LWS program.

LPAG Executive Committee Members: Anthea Coster (Co-Chair), Mark Linton (Co-Chair), Joe Borovsky, Richard Collins, Seebany Datta-Barua, Matina Gkioulidou, Fan Guo, Jorg-Micha Jahn, Enrico Landi, John Leibacher, Sabrina Savage, Brian Walsh

LPAG Ex Officio Members: Jeff Morrill, Janet Kozyra, Shing Fung


NASA ROSES-18 Amendment - Heliosphysics Operations-to-Research Opportunity

From: Terry Onsager (Terrance.G.Onsager at nasa.gov)

ROSES-18 Amendment 11: Final text for B.12 Heliophysics Space Weather Operations to Research

NASA has established the Heliophysics Space Weather Operations-to-Research (H-SWO2R) program in response to the need to advance and coordinate the Nation's space weather research and operations capabilites. NASA is supporting this funding opportunity in coordination with NOAA to promote space weather operations-to-research (O2R) activities. For this opportunity, the objective of O2R is broadly defined as the joint pursuit of improvements of operational capabilities and advancements in related fundamental research. The primary goal of this funding is to support research by the grant recipient to improve numerical models and/or data utilization techniques that could advance specification and/or forecasting capabilities and which could also lead to improved scientific understanding. For this year's program element, NASA and NOAA have identified the following focus area for research and development: Improve specifications and/or forecasts of the energetic particle and plasma conditions encountered by spacecraft within Earth’s magnetosphere.

Notices of Intent are requested by June 22, 2018 and 10-page proposals are due by August 3, 2018.


Monday Science Telecon, May 14

From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)

At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (May 14), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Le Contel Olivier from the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique. The topic will be "Recent results related to substorm and dipolarization front events detected by MMS".

The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please
go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting, enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!

To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533

Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.

Looking forward to speaking with you.


Living with a Star Program Analysis Group Town Hall at TESS Meeting

From: Mark Linton (mark.linton at nrl.navy.mil)

A Living with a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/lpag) Town Hall will be held at the TESS meeting on Monday, May 21 at 12:30pm in the Faulkner room. The purpose of the Town Hall is to present the call for community input to Living with a Star Targeted Research and Technology (LWS TR&T) Focused Science Topics for ROSES 2019 and beyond, and to solicit discussion regarding this input process and regarding potential topics.


ISSS-13 Abstract Submission and Registration Now Open

From: David Schriver (dave at igpp.ucla.edu)

Abstract submission and registration for the International School/Symposium of Space Simulations (ISSS-13) is now open at https://conferences.pa.ucla.edu/ISSS13 .  The abstract submission deadline is June 15.  ISSS-13 will be held on the campus of UCLA the week of September 10-14, 2018.  Lodging options in and around UCLA can be found on the website.  


MEETING: COSPAR Space Weather Capacity Building Workshop 2018 - deadline May 15

From: Livia Alves (livia.alves at inpe.br)

We invite graduate students and young scientists interested in Solar Physics, Interplanetary Medium, Geomagnetic Field and Earth Magnetism, and Ionized and Neutral Earth’s Atmosphere to send an application to the COSPAR Space Weather Capacity Building Workshop 2018 (SW-CBW 2018). 
The workshop will take place in the facilities of the Brazilian Space Weather Study and Monitoring Program (EMBRACE - “Estudo e Monitoramento Brasileiro do Clima Espacial") located at National Institute for Space Research (INPE - "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais”) in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 17 September to 28 September 2018.

For more details, including financial support, visit the event website at:
Applications must be made through the website until May 15.


MEETING: Polar Perspectives 2018 - A Workshop to Discuss The Path to a Solar Polar Exploration Mission 

From: Scott McIntosh (mscott at ucar.edu)

Announcing The Polar Perspectives 2018 Workshop
September 25 - 27, 2018
NCAR/HAO: Boulder CO.

Website; https://www2.hao.ucar.edu/PolarPerspectives2018 

Workshop Charge: To explore the scientific breakthroughs made possible by repeated or sustained observations of the Sun’s polar regions, and to consider the technologies and orbital dynamics required to achieve measurements at the desired vantages.

Workshop Objective: Develop a science portfolio for a solar polar mission, present and discuss options on a baseline, and extended, suite of instrumentation, and develop a number of conceptual orbits available with existing launch capacity.

Workshop Motivation: For the first time in human history, our technology allows us to observe all longitudes of the solar atmosphere. The combined imaging data from SOHO, STEREO, and SDO have demonstrated some of the rotationally driven processes on our Star. They present a tantalizing glimpse of the Sun’s polar evolution when the data are pieced together, despite limitations arising the fact that all of these spacecraft are observing the poles from vantages close to the ecliptic plane. For decades, observations of high solar latitudes have been used as critical precursor input for predictions of decadal-scale solar activity. Many solar high-latitude phenomena -- including polar coronal holes, polar crown filaments, and the Sun’s torsional oscillations -- indicate a limiting latitude around 55 degrees (in each hemisphere) that apparently divides high- vs. low-latitude dynamical evolution. A polar view would directly reveal the Sun’s global-scale dynamics, investigate the sources of the fast solar wind, and witness the full lifetime of structures in the solar atmosphere from birth to death, including a Sun-to-Earth view of coronal mass ejections.

In this workshop we will take inventory of the science that might be accomplished by a solar polar mission. We will discuss mission architecture, maturity of required compact instrumentation, and technological limitations placed on any concept mission by currently available launch capacity and/or spacecraft propulsion systems. 

An important precedent was set by the Ulysses mission, which obtained groundbreaking polar in-situ observations. Beyond this, numerous feasibility investigations of solar polar missions have already been undertaken. A key element of the workshop will be to capture the “lessons learned” from these past activities and to use them to effectively move forward in designing future solar polar missions.


MEETING: ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics Workshop 2018

From: Andrew Walsh (andrew.walsh at esa.int)

It is our pleasure to announce the fifth annual ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics (EDAS) workshop that will be held at the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid in Spain from Monday to Thursday on October 8 to 11, 2018.

The primary aim of the EDAS workshop is knowledge transfer: to teach and instruct through lectures and guided hands-on exercises essential notions in data analysis and statistics, as well as modern techniques and methods to improve the way we treat data and do science.

This year the two main areas of focus will be the analysis of 1) errors and uncertainties in particle and event data and 2) wavelet and Fourier analysis of time series.  Given the exciting upcoming launch of Solar Orbiter, the practical aspects and examples will be drawn from problems in helio and solar system plasma physics.  Details can be found here: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esac-stats-workshop-2018/home

The number of participants cannot exceed 60, and therefore we may have to carry out a selection process.  For this reason you should consider your registration as an application to attend the workshop.  If you are very interested, please register as early as possible. Should it be necessary, necessary each registration will be reviewed, and each applicant will be informed as soon as we have finalised the selection.

We strive to have the most fruitful and useful workshops, and therefore encourage the greatest balance in diversity.  In particular, we strongly encourage mid-career and women scientists such that we can strive to have as many men as women, and as many young as more seasoned scientists.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Madrid for the fifth EDAS workshop this October.

The EDAS 2018 science organising committee


Special issue on Active Experiments in Space

From: Joe Borovsky, Evgeny Mishin, Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov)

Dear Colleagues,

a friendly reminder that the deadline for the special issue on ‘Active Experiments in Space: Past, Present, and Future’ is June 1st 2018.
More info can be found at 


Gian Luca Delzanno
Joe Borovsky
Evgeny Mishin


Space Weather Special Collection "Space Weather Capabilities Assessment" -- Call for Papers

From: Masha Kuznetsova, Leila Mays (m.leila.mays at nasa.gov)

Manuscripts are invited for a special section to highlight the progress of working teams of the International Forum on Space Weather Capabilities Assessment.  The submission dedaline has been extended to 30 June 2018. The Forum activities were initiated during the International CCMC - LWS Working Meeting: “Assessing Space Weather Understanding and Applications”, April 3 - 7, 2017, Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Forum aims to address the need to quantify and to track progress over time in the field of space weather and to establish internationally recognized metrics for objective model evaluations. Such metrics must be meaningful to end-users of space weather information, model developers, and decision makers. Expected outcomes of the Forum activities include developing means to aid in tracking the progress of the LWS program towards its goals. Topics covered by the special collection include: defining metrics for essential space weather quantities; benchmarking the current state of space environment models, applications and forecasting techniques; addressing challenges in data-model comparisons; tracking progress in incorporation of scientific ideas into space weather applications. While the focus of this special collection is contributions from the Forum working teams, related manuscripts from the community are also invited. If you have questions about this special collection please contact the associate editor for the special collection (Dan Welling) or special collection organizers (Masha Kuznetsova, Leila Mays, Yihua Zheng, Ja Soon Shim). Manuscripts should be submitted through the GEMS website. For additional information please contact: spaceweather at agu.org.



COURSE: The Polar Upper Atmosphere: from Science to Operational Issues

From: Umberto Villante (umberto.villante at aquila.infn.it)

The deadline for application to the Course on “The Polar Upper Atmosphere: from Science to Operational Issues” of the International School of Space Science has been extended to May 20th 

The International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale organizes a Course on “The Polar upper Atmosphere: from Science to Operational Issues”, to be held in L’Aquila, Italy, September 17-22, 2018, directed by G. De Franceschi (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, IT), M. Mendillo (Boston University, Center for Space Physics, Boston, MA, USA), C. Mitchell (University of Bath, Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Bath, UK).
The goal of the school is to foster excitement and encourage involvement of the next generation of space researchers in studies of the geospace environment of Polar Regions.  The importance of these regions is rapidly growing due to modern society’s dependence on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) services and products, strongly affected by ionospheric variability at high latitudes. Topics will focus on the infrastructures for multi-instrument monitoring, data management from sub auroral to polar latitudes, the need for specialized models of the upper atmosphere, and the development of mitigation algorithms to improve GNSS services and products. The school is mainly addressed to graduate and post-graduate students with enthusiastic interest on this topic. Students-teams will be organized through an “inside team building” activity scheduled on the first day of the school.  This initial activity will formulate, under the supervision of experts, the “first iteration” of student-led project proposals. The establishment of the student-teams aims to both stimulate the interaction among the new generation of scientists from different countries and furnish the preliminary tools to build successful project proposals.  On the final day the students-teams will present their project results and participate in their evaluation by the School Program and Organization Committees.

For more information visit http://www.cifs-isss.org/ or send an e-mail to ssc at aquila.infn.it


Two new RHESSI Science Nuggets

From: Hugh Hudson (hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu)

No. 322, “Observation of Cosmic-Ray Spallation Events from SoHO,” by Serge Koutchmy and Ehsan Tavabi. LASCO’s images capture high-energy nuclear interactions from cosmic-ray hits.

No. 323, “To beam or not to beam - that is (still) the question,, by Paulo Simoes and Hugh Hudson. Descriptions of the lower solar atmosphere of flares ca. Cycle 21 sound surprisingly current.

See http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_Science_Nuggets listing the current series, 2008-present, and http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/nuggets/ for the original series, 2005-2008. We publish these at roughly two-week intervals and welcome contributions, which should be related, at least loosely, to RHESSI science.


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:


To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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