Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun Nov 4 08:01:08 PST 2018

Volume XXV, Issue 69


Table of Contents

1. Amendment to Announcement on Two Special Issues of Advances in Space Research

2. MEETING: IAU Symposium 354 – Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations, Copiapo, Chile, 30 June – 6 July, 2019 

3. MEETING: First Announcement of Space Climate 7, July 8-11, 2019

4. MEETING: International Conference on Substorms, September 30-October 04, 2019, Tromsø, Norway

5. Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis Using SPEDAS - Updated

6. SESSION: ION PNT 2019 Meeting: Natural Hazards Session

7. JOB OPENING: Department Chair in Physics & Astronomy at University of Texas at San Antonio

8. JOB OPENING: University of Colorado, Boulder/NOAA Solar Researcher Position

9. JOB OPENING: TWO Postdoctoral Positions in Plasma and Space Physics at the University of Oslo; Deadline 15 November

10. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University

11. JOB OPENING: Postdoc and Graduate Student Opportunities at the University of Michigan


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Amendment to Announcement on Two Special Issues of Advances in Space Research

From: Daniel Gomez (dgomez at df.uba.ar)

Authors are invited to contribute manuscripts for two special issues (SI) of Advances in Space Research (ASR):

SI: "Recent results on solar and heliospheric phenomena affecting Earth" (Guest Eds.: Cristina Mandrini & Hebe Cremades)
Article type: "Special Issue: SOL-HEL Phenomena - Earth"

SI: "Magnetosphere, ionosphere and their connection to Space Weather" (Guest Eds.: Daniel Gomez & Sergio Dasso)
Article type: "Special Issue: Space weather connection"

Deadline for submission is March 31, 2019 and accepted articles will be published free of charge. Please note that these topical issues are not conference proceedings and are open to all scientists who may have an appropriate scientific paper related to the title of the issues. Attendees of the XI COLAGE meeting (held in Buenos Aires from 16 to 20 April 2018) are specially encouraged to submit their papers.

Papers must be submitted electronically to ees.elsevier.com/asr. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the appropriate SI, authors must select the corresponding SI as listed above when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. Enclosed please find the full description for both issues.

Submitted papers must be written in English and should include full affiliation addresses for all authors. Only full-length papers will be considered for publication, subject to peer review by two reviewers. Even though there is no page limit, the length of the paper should be appropriate for the material being presented.

While not required, it would be helpful for planning purposes if authors who plan on submitting papers provide the appropriate guest editors (mandrini at iafe.uba.ar or dgomez at df.uba.ar) with the following information as soon as or possible:
- Name of corresponding author
- Tentative Title
- Tentative submission date

The general format for submission of papers is on the ASR Elsevier web site; format questions can be directed to the Editor-in-Chief of ASR, Peggy Ann Shea (sssrc at msn.com).


MEETING: IAU Symposium 354 – Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations, Copiapo, Chile, 30 June – 6 July, 2019 

From: Alexander Kosovichev (alexander.g.kosovichev at njit.edu)

Website: http://iaus354.aip.de

Contact: IAUSymposium354 at gmail.com

Important dates:
Sept. 1, 2018: Opening of registration, abstract and grant submission.
Nov. 30, 2018: Announcement of preliminary program.
Dec. 1, 2018: Deadline of IAU grant submission.
Dec. 31, 2018: Deadline of early-bird registration and hotel reservation.
Feb. 28, 2019: Deadline of regular registration, abstract submission.
May 1, 2019: Deadline of abstract submission for posters.
Mid May, 2019: Announcement of final program.

New observational diagnostics of magnetic fields.
Progress in understanding the solar/stellar interior dynamics and dynamo.
Stellar rotation and activity cycles.
Role of magnetic fields in solar and stellar variability.
Star-planet relations.
Formation, structure and dynamics of solar and stellar coronae and winds.
Mechanisms of flaring and CME activity on the Sun and stars.
Magnetic fields of the solar analogs.
Advances in instrumentation.
Observations of solar eclipses and exoplanetary transits.
Special session: First results from Parker Solar Probe.


MEETING: First Announcement of Space Climate 7, July 8-11, 2019

From: Kalevi Mursula (kalevi.mursula at oulu.fi)

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

We have the great pleasure to invite You to

	Space Climate 7

to be held at Auberge Estrimont, Canton Orford, in the mountains east of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada, on July 8-11, 2019, just before the IAGA meeting (during early IUGG) in Montreal.

Details on venue, registration, scientific program and accommodation is available at the meeting website http://craq-astro.ca/spaceclimate7/.
For questions related to the meeting, send an email to
spaceclimate7 at astro.umontreal.ca

Please note that the number of attendees will be limited to 120 because of the meeting venue.

Welcome to Space Climate 7 in Orford !

Paul Charbonneau (LOC chair)
Cassandra Bolduc (LOC vice-chair)

Kalevi Mursula (SOC chair)
Ilya Usoskin (SOC vice-chair)


MEETING: International Conference on Substorms, September 30-October 04, 2019, Tromsø, Norway

From: Lasse Clausen (lasse.clausen at fys.uio.no)

The 14th International Conference on Substorms (ICS14) will be held in Tromsø, Norway, at the Clarion Hotel The Edge (https://www.nordicchoicehotels.no/hotell/norge/tromso/clarion-hotel-the-edge/ <https://www.nordicchoicehotels.no/hotell/norge/tromso/clarion-hotel-the-edge/>), September 30-October 04, 2019. Tromsø is located in northern Norway, within the auroral oval, about a 2 hours flight from Norway’s capital Oslo. The meeting is scheduled during a new moon period such that, weather allowing, watching the aurora should be possible. The meeting web site (http://www.ics14.no/ <http:// www.ics14.no/>) provides further information, including a preliminary program. Registration and abstract submission will open in March 2019.

Important deadlines:
June 1, 2019    Deadline to book a hotel room at preferred rate
July 1, 2019    End of early bird registration
August 1, 2019  Abstract submission deadline
August 15, 2019 Registration deadline

We are looking forward to welcome the substorm community in Northern Norway next year!

Science Organizing Committee
Lasse Clausen, University of Oslo, Norway
Rumi Nakamura, University of Graz, Austria
Steve Milan, University of Leicester, UK
Yoshi Miyoshi, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Japan
Minna Palmroth, University of Helsinki, Finland
Steve Morley, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Drew Turner, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Xuzhi Zhou, Peking University, China
Michael Hesse, Birkeland Centre for Space Science, Norway
Andrei Runov, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Elizaveta Antonova, Moscow State University, Russia
Tomas Karlsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Yasong Ge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Kyle Murphy, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Colin Forsyth, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK
Stein Haaland, Max-Planck Institute, Germany
Larry Kepko, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Jimmy Raeder, University of New Hampshire, USA

Local Organizing Committee
Lasse Clausen (lasse.clausen at fys.uio.no)
Andres Spicher
Jøran Moen


Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis Using SPEDAS - Updated

From: Eric Grimes, Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos and the SPEDAS team (egrimes at igpp.ucla.edu)

The SPEDAS development team invites you to a webinar we'll be holding on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern. The focus of this webinar will be on FPI/HPCA analysis tools in SPEDAS.

Topic: Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis using SPEDAS - Updated
Time: Nov 7, 2018 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Tentative agenda:
  1) Introduction to FPI and HPCA load routines and keywords
  2) Energy, PA, gyro phase spectra from distributions (mms_part_getspec)
  3) 2D velocity/energy slices from distributions (mms_part_slice2d)
  4) Combining time series moments/spectra with 2D slices (mms_flipbookify)
  5) Visualizing the distributions in 3D (mms_part_isee3d)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/696696857

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16699006833,,696696857#  or +16465588656,,696696857# 
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
        US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656 
        Norway: +47 7349 4877  or +47 2396 0588 
        Japan: +81 (0) 524 564 439  or +81 (0) 3 4578 1488 
        Austria: +43 (0) 72 011 5988  or +43 (0) 670 309 0165 
    Meeting ID: 696 696 857
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aeA4I2wfyS

Or an H.323/SIP room system:
    H.323: (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)
    Meeting ID: 696 696 857

    SIP: 696696857 at zoomcrc.com


SESSION: ION PNT 2019 Meeting: Natural Hazards Session

From: Attila Komjathy (attila.komjathy at jpl.nasa.gov)

Dear Colleagues,

Please note that we will have a Session “Natural Hazards Detection and Monitoring Using GNSS” at the upcoming ION PNT 2019 Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii on Apr 8-11, 2019.

Please consider submitting an abstract to our session. The submission deadline is Nov 1.

Session abstract:
Natural Hazards Detection and Monitoring Using GNSS
The use of GNSS receiver networks to monitor and predict geophysical events, especially using networks in the Asia-Pacific region are encouraged. Submissions in seismic waves, volcano eruptions and ashes, sand storms, explosions, tsunami monitoring, monitoring networks, ground deformation, processing and analysis techniques, and prediction algorithms are also solicited.

Yoshikatsu Iotake, Global Positioning Augmentation Service Corporation, Japan
Attila Komjathy, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, USA

Look forward to hearing from you.


JOB OPENING: Department Chair in Physics & Astronomy at University of Texas at San Antonio

From: Kurt Retherford (kretherford at swri.edu)


The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is seeking a dynamic Chair that can lead the department to preeminence in an extraordinarily diverse University that is focused on a significant expansion of its research mission. This is an exemplary opportunity for a leader to strengthen partnerships with premier research institutions in San Antonio such as the Southwest Research Institute, Air Force Research Laboratory, UT Health San Antonio, and others. Areas of research excellence within the department include astrophysics, biophysics, computational physics, condensed matter, materials science, nanotechnology, and space and planetary science. Several interdisciplinary research and educational opportunities are ongoing with Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry and the College of Engineering among others. The Department has a joint Ph.D. degree with the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) allowing its faculty and Ph.D. students access to over $400M of research projects that include leadership roles in NASA’s space physics and planetary missions. UT San Antonio’s future will focus on student success and building one of the nation’s most diverse research intensive universities. The Department Chair will play a critical role in linking the Department to this growth and success. UT San Antonio also benefits from being in a major metropolitan area that retains the attributes of smaller neighborhoods, excellent schools, and an extremely welcoming environment. 

Required qualifications: a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy or related area of physical science or engineering; an active research program with a distinguished publication record and a strong international reputation. Preferred qualifications: commitment to excellence in teaching at all levels including Ph.D.; leadership and administrative experience; and an active, high-profile research program in an area of physics and/or astronomy. Responsibilities include a commitment to the development and growth of the Physics and Astronomy program, as well as teaching, supervising student research at all levels, and maintaining an externally funded research program. Descriptions of current departmental research efforts can be found at http://www.utsa.edu/physics/. 

UTSA, the third largest academic institution of the University of Texas System, has an enrollment of nearly 31,000 students. Ph.D. students have access to world-class facilities at UTSA and SwRI that includes advanced microscopy, spectroscopy, optical and particle instrument calibration and MEMS laboratories. Screening of completed applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. 


JOB OPENING: University of Colorado, Boulder/NOAA Solar Researcher Position

From: Dan Seaton (daniel.seaton at noaa.gov)

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder has an immediate opening for a Research Associate for work related to the solar imager and irradiance monitors on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Series-R (GOES-R).
The space weather team within NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is responsible for supporting NOAA’s space weather mission and for ensuring the operational and scientific utility of NOAA’s space environmental data. The GOES-R spacecraft include a complement of space weather sensors to monitor the local space environment and the sun. The first two of the next-generation GOES-R satellites were recently launched and are now called GOES-16 and GOES-17. The solar instruments are the Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) and the Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS). Instrument descriptions are available at www.goes-r.gov/spacesegment/instruments.html In this position you will work closely with the NCEI SUVI and EXIS instrument teams to improve the on-orbit instrument calibration and validation of the SUVI and EXIS instruments, to develop tools to analyze SUVI and EXIS data, and to conduct research using these instruments.

For more details and to apply: jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=12878

For additional information or questions contact Dr. Janet Machol (janet.machol at colorado.edu) and Dr. Dan Seaton (daniel.seaton at colorado.edu).


JOB OPENING: TWO Postdoctoral Positions in Plasma and Space Physics at the University of Oslo; Deadline 15 November

From: Wojciech Miloch (w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no)

TWO postdoctoral research fellow positions are announced at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway, both with the application deadline 15 November.

1) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (3-years) in Plasma and Space Physics: Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities. 

Over the next years, the 4DSpace team at the University of Oslo (www.mn.uio.no/4dspace) will be involved in several rocket launches into the polar ionosphere. All of these rockets will during flight eject small sub-payloads which will for the first time make multi-point observations of the ionospheric plasma density at unprecedented spatial resolution. These unique data will facilitate the search for dispersion relations at different scales, as well as the multi-scale mapping of turbulent structures. 

The successful candidate will work in a team of scientists on a development of new data analysis techniques for multi-point measurements of plasma density by a rocket and its sub-payloads. The candidate will then apply these techniques to data from rocket experiments to study irregularities and turbulence in the cusp F region ionosphere. The in-situ results will also be compared with advanced numerical models. Due to its novel approach, it is expected that this project will to lead to several major advances in the field of ionospheric turbulence.

Apply electronically for this job (deadline 15 November):


For further information contact:
Professor Jøran Moen, e-mail: j.i.moen at fys.uio.no, ph: +47 91 55 64 14 
Professor Wojciech Miloch, e-mail: w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no, ph. + 47 22 85 60 14

2) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2.75-years) in Space Physics: Space Weather in the Polar Regions.

Plasma and Space Physics Section and 4DSpace at the University of Oslo (www.mn.uio.no/4dspace) focus on studying the processes in the high-latitude ionosphere, including space weather effects in the polar regions. The main tools used for this research are ground-based instruments, including radar and optical systems (EISCAT, SuperDARN, all-sky-imagers), advanced numerical models, and instruments on board spacecraft and sounding rockets. 

4DSpace at the the University of Oslo has recently deployed instruments to Antarctica (Troll Research Station). These are complementary to instruments that the group operates in Svalbard and in northern Norway. In addition, the group works with in-situ data from satellites (e.g., Swarm, Norsat-1) and sounding rockets.

The focus of the current project is to combine data from all these instrument platforms including also data from collaborative partners and  to study the space weather phenomena at high latitudes in both hemispheres with the focus on Antarctica and the Arctic regions. One of the main questions addressed will be inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ionospheric response to geomagnetic activity at high latitudes.

Apply electronically for this job (deadline 15 November):


Professor Wojciech Miloch, e-mail: w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no, ph. + 47 22 85 60 14


JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University

From: Kanya Kusano (kusano at nagoya-u.jp)

There is an announcement of postdoctoral fellow position in ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan, as below.  

For those who are interested in this position, please contact ISEE researchers related to your topic. The list of the ISEE staff is available at:

Application deadline: 5:00 PM JST on Thursday, December 20, 2018


JOB OPENING: Postdoc and Graduate Student Opportunities at the University of Michigan

From: Tuija Pulkkinen (tuija at umich.edu)

The University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering is looking for 1-2 Post-doctoral scientists and 1-2 PhD students to work on science of space weather. The research focuses on key processes driving the dynamics of the space plasma environment using global models of the solar wind – magnetosphere coupling and/or spaceborne and ground-based observations of the Earth’s space environment. Research will be conducted in national and international collaboration using state-of-the-art models and spaceborne observations in the research group of Professor Tuija Pulkkinen.

PhD student candidates should hold a BSc or MSc degree in suitable fields and apply through https://rackham.umich.edu/admissions/applying/. PhD students are guaranteed support for five years after their BSc. PostDoc candidates should have a PhD and experience in space physics or nearby fields. Experience in programming is considered an asset. The PostDoc appointment is initially for one year, with possibility for extension. Salary and benefits are based on experience and University of Michigan payscale.

Deadline for applications is Nov 30, but applications are accepted until the positions are filled. For more information, please see http://clasp.engin.umich.edu/. Please send your applications including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to tuija at umich.edu.


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:


To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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