Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 14 18:21:41 PST 2018

Volume XXV, Issue 71


Table of Contents

1. MEETING: Workshop on Research Opportunities in Space Weather in the European Union and the United States, December 9, 2018, Washington DC

2. MEETING: Machine Learning in Heliophysics, September 16-20, 2019, Amsterdam (NL) -- 1st Announcement

3. MEETING: 2019 5th MMS Community Science Workshop and SWT, October 22-24, 2019, Biarritz, France 

4. Monday Science Telecon, November 19

5. Third Call for Ideas for Swarm Satellite Data Products and Services

6. HAO: Newkirk Graduate Research Fellowship, Application Deadline January 18, 2019

7. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics Data Analysis and Instrumentation at Los Alamos National Laboratory

8. JOB OPENING: Lecturer in Space Plasma Physics

9. JOB OPENING: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Mathematics or Astrophysics at Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


MEETING: Workshop on Research Opportunities in Space Weather in the European Union and the United States, December 9, 2018, Washington DC

From: Jean-Luc Bald, Terry Onsager, William Murtagh (Jean-Luc.BALD at eeas.europa.eu)

9 December 2018, 2:00pm to 5:30pm, followed by a happy hour
Washington DC, location to be announced

Space weather is a global issue where severe events may disrupt the operation of and cause damage to space assets and critical terrestrial infrastructures on which our daily lives depend, without regard for borders. The U.S. and the European Union have invested in research to better forecast and model space weather events and are investing in the provision of operational services for user communities.

With the "space weather" call for proposals for Horizon 2020 now open until 12 March 2019 and research opportunities available with NASA and the National Science Foundation, this workshop offers an opportunity for researchers on both sides of the Atlantic to learn about opportunities to combine EU and U.S. efforts in order to deliver better services for the forecasting and mitigation of severe space weather events.

Please register at: https://tinyurl.com/EUUSSpace


MEETING: Machine Learning in Heliophysics, September 16-20, 2019, Amsterdam (NL) -- 1st Announcement

From: Enrico Camporeale (e.camporeale at cwi.nl)

We are pleased to invite you to the conference ‘Machine Learning in Heliophysics’ to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from September 16-20, 2019.

Recent groundbreaking developments in the world of artificial intelligence and data mining techniques provide a unique opportunity for improving our understanding of the heliospheric environment.

The goal of this first ML-Helio conference is to leverage the advancements happening in disciplines such as machine learning, deep learning, statistical analysis, system identification, and information theory, in order to address long-standing questions and enable a higher scientific return on the wealth of available heliospheric data.

We aim at bringing together a cross-disciplinary research community:  physicists in solar, heliospheric, magnetospheric, and aeronomy fields as well as computer and data scientists. ML-Helio will focus on the development of data science techniques needed to tackle fundamental problems in space weather forecasting, inverse estimation of physical parameters, automatic event identification, feature detection and tracking, times series analysis of dynamical systems, combination of physics-based model with machine learning techniques, surrogate models and uncertainty quantification.

The conference will consists of classic-style lectures, complemented by hands-on tutorials on Python tools and data resources available to the heliophysics machine learning community.

In order to help us organize a conference better tailored towards the needs of the communities, we encourage you to register your interest and submit suggestions on:


On behalf of the SOC,
Enrico Camporeale
(e.camporeale at cwi.nl)


MEETING: 2019 5th MMS Community Science Workshop and SWT, October 22-24, 2019, Biarritz, France 

From: Benoit Lavraud (Benoit.Lavraud at irap.omp.eu)

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: The 5th Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) community science workshop will be held on October 22-24, 2019, in Biarritz, France. This workshop is open to the broad scientific community with interest in magnetic reconnection and other, MMS-related, science topics. Breakout sessions for the MMS SWT and other team meetings will be held on Monday 21, and the full community science workshop will be on October 22-24. All sessions will be located at the Hotel and Conference Center "Le Bellevue" in the center of town.


Science Organizing Committee:
Jim Burch, Tai Phan, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, and Benoit Lavraud 


Monday Science Telecon, November 19

From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)

At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (November 19), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Anthony Saikin from University of New Hampshire. The topic will be "Comparing calculated and observed EMIC wave amplitudes: anisotropy re-calculations and an inner magnetosphere EMIC wave empirical model".

The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting (Meeting number: 280 328 066), enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!

To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll-free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533

Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.

Looking forward to speaking with you.


Third Call for Ideas for Swarm Satellite Data Products and Services

From: David Knudsen (knudsen at ucalgary.ca)

A third call has been issued to solicit ideas for new data products and services for the European Space Agency's Swarm satellite constellation mission.

Information about the call and a link to the application can be found at http://www.space.redigering8.sitecore.dtu.dk/~/link.aspx?_id=25FCD9F42FD845CD9272EF901BEAFCE6&_z=z


HAO: Newkirk Graduate Research Fellowship, Application Deadline January 18, 2019

From: Matthias Rempel (rempel at ucar.edu)

The High Altitude Observatory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research announces the availability of Newkirk Fellowships. The Newkirk Fellowship provides financial support for research visits to HAO allowing for 3 to 6 months per year in a single visit. The total supported length is 9 months, which can be spread out over up to 3 years. Newkirk Fellows will work with guidance from HAO scientists and engineers on projects related to their thesis, qualifying exams, or other research projects within the scope of HAO research including study of the Earth's upper atmosphere, solar physics and solar-terrestrial physics through observation, theory and instrumentation.

To be eligible for the fellowship, the student must be enrolled full-time in a university graduate program having common interest with HAO research goals. HAO Newkirk Fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, scientific potential, and compatibility of student interest in current HAO research pursuits.

The application deadline for fellowships starting in 2019 is January 18, 2019.

Please see https://www2.hao.ucar.edu/partnerships/visitor-program/newkirk-fellowship for details on eligibility, financial support, and the application process. Contact Caitlyn Quinn Erdesz (cquinn at ucar.edu) or Matthias Rempel (rempel at ucar.edu) for further information. 


JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics Data Analysis and Instrumentation at Los Alamos National Laboratory

From: Dan Reisenfeld (dreisenfeld at lanl.gov)

Los Alamos National Laboratory seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position in heliospheric physics and instrumentation with the Space Science and Applications Group (ISR-1). ISR Division currently leads instruments or instrument subsystems on NASA’s IMAP, IBEX, SWIFT, TWINS, ACE, Mars Odyssey, and Van Allen Probes missions, as well as NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory and Mars 2020 rovers. The candidate chosen for this position will be expected to carry out original research addressing the structure and evolution of the outer heliosphere through analysis of data from the ongoing IBEX mission.  The candidate is also expected to support the development and calibration of energetic neutral atom instrumentation to be used in the upcoming IMAP mission.  Additional opportunities in the development of space plasma instrumentation may also be available. Applicants should have laboratory experience applicable to developing hardware for the detection of space plasmas. Additional desirable skills include familiarity with heliospheric science (solar wind, outer heliosphere, magnetospheres, etc.), or a strong interest in learning about such environments. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to interact with Laboratory staff engaged in a broad range of observational, computational, and theoretical research in heliophysics. 

This is a two-year position with the possibility of an extension to a third year. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Space Physics, Physics, Astronomy, or appropriate similar fields obtained within the last five years, or soon to be completed. They should have demonstrated ability to pursue independent research and work as a member of a team, as well as a strong record of publication and presentation.

Interested candidates should send their CV, publications list, and statement of research interests to Dan Reisenfeld (dreisenfeld at lanl.gov), and apply online at jobs.lanl.gov and search for IRC69562.


JOB OPENING: Lecturer in Space Plasma Physics

From: Tim Horbury (t.horbury at imperial.ac.uk)

Applications are invited for a Lecturer in Space Plasma Physics in the Space and Atmospheric Physics Group within the Space, Plasma and Climate section (SPC) of the Department of Physics.  We are seeking a scientist with an active, personal commitment to both innovative research and teaching. The appointee is expected to plan, direct and undertake a research programme of international repute in one or more areas of space plasma physics.

The Group has 16 academic staff with a broad range of scientific interests, including climate physics, Earth observation, planetary science and space plasma physics. Within the area of space plasma physics, active areas of research include kinetic plasma processes such as shocks and reconnection; solar wind structures on small and large scales; plasma turbulence; and magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The Group has a long-standing and successful instrumentation programme with a specialisation in magnetometers and has had Principal Investigator hardware involvement in the Ulysses, Cluster, Rosetta and Cassini missions. It is also the Principal Investigating institution for the magnetometer on the upcoming Solar Orbiter mission and has scientific involvement in the Parker Solar Probe mission; the inner heliosphere will therefore be a growing area of interest in the coming years. You will work in this area and complement the expertise of the existing academic staff but could have a specialisation in data analysis, simulation, theory or a combination of all three.

Closing date 6 January 2019

For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Professor Tim Horbury, by phone (+44) 020 7594 7676 or by email to t.horbury at imperial.ac.uk.

For more information see https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/description/NAT00313/lecturer-space-plasma-physics 


JOB OPENING: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Mathematics or Astrophysics at Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)

From: James McLaughlin (james.a.mclaughlin at northumbria.ac.uk)

The Faculty of Engineering and Environment at Northumbria University is currently advertising a position for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer within the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering. The disciplines of Astrophysics and Mathematics are contained within this department.

The department has particular strengths in Solar Physics and Space Weather, but we will also consider high-quality applications in any relevant area. For more information about the Group, visit https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/academic-departments/mathematics-physics-and-electrical-engineering/research/solar-physics/. For informal enquiries about this post, please contact Professor James McLaughlin, Director of Research, on james.a.mclaughlin at northumbria.ac.uk .

The deadline for applications is 9th December 2018.

The job advert can be found at:


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:


To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

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(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison

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