Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sat Nov 24 08:31:23 PST 2018
Volume XXV, Issue 72
Table of Contents
1. Announcement of GDC STDT Third Meeting, November 27-30, 2018
2. MEETING: GEM-Mini Workshop, December 9, 2018
3. MEETING: Workshop on Research Opportunities in Space Weather in the European Union and the United States, December 9, 2018, Washington DC
4. MEETING: FReSWeD 2019, 2-7 July 2019, San Juan, Argentina -- Third Announcement
5. Monday Science Telecon, November 26
6. JOB OPENING: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position at the University of Alabama in Huntsville
7. JOB OPENING: Research Associate Position at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
8. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Arizona
9. JOB OPENING: PostDoc Position at the University of Oslo
10. JOB OPENING: A PhD Student Position in Space Physics Group at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
Announcement of GDC STDT Third Meeting, November 27-30, 2018
From: Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner at nasa.gov)
NASA announces the third meeting of the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT). This STDT is established as a task group of the Heliophysics Advisory Committee in order to define a compelling and executable mission concept for GDC, the next Living With a Star Program mission prioritized by the National Academies’ 2013 Decadal Survey for Heliophysics.
The STDT’s third meeting will be held on November 27th-30th, and the public is invited to attend virtually. This meeting will focus on refining science measurement requirements, discussing constraints on potential mission architectures, and drafting text for the final report. Due to the meeting format, the public will not be able to comment during the meeting itself but public comments may be submitted via email (instructions can be found on the Public Comments link on the STDT webpage).
For information on the STDT membership, the meeting agenda and connection information, or submitting comments to the STDT, please visit the GDC STDT webpage.
GDC STDT webpage: https://science.nasa.gov/heliophysics/resources/stdts/geospace-dynamics-constellation
MEETING: GEM-Mini Workshop, December 9, 2018
From: Zhonghua Xu (zxu77 at vt.edu)
GEM will be holding its annual Mini GEM workshop on December 9th, 2018 at the Hilton Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia. Support for this workshop is made possible by the National Science Foundation. The registration and schedule information is at "http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem-mini/index.html". It would be greatly appreciated if you can register for the workshop online. It is free of charge and will help us to track the numbers of participants for future meeting preparation.
MEETING: Workshop on Research Opportunities in Space Weather in the European Union and the United States, December 9, 2018, Washington DC
From: Jean-Luc Bald, Terry Onsager, William Murtagh (Jean-Luc.BALD at eeas.europa.eu)
Update: We are pleased to announce the workshop will be held at the National Academy of Sciences at 2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC from 2:00pm to 5:30pm, with reception to follow. Please register at tinyurl.com/EUUSSpace.
With the “space weather” call for proposals for Horizon 2020 now open until 12 March 2019 and research opportunities available with NASA and the National Science Foundation, this workshop offers an opportunity for researchers on both sides of the Atlantic to learn about opportunities to combine EU and U.S. efforts in order to deliver better services for the forecasting and mitigation of severe space weather events.
MEETING: FReSWeD 2019, 2-7 July 2019, San Juan, Argentina -- Third Announcement
From: Hebe Cremades (hebe.cremades at frm.utn.edu.ar)
This meeting will promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather, from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its origin in the solar atmosphere, through its evolution in the interplanetary medium, to its arrival in geospace. The event will be accompanied by a school with a mix of introductory tutorials, demos and hands-on labs.
This meeting and associated school are being organized on the occasion of the total solar eclipse of 2019, whose totality path will cross five provinces of Argentina extending for more than 1200 km.
Early-bird registration and abstract submission are now open:
Partial financial support can be requested at:
Please note that the deadline for early-bird registration, partial financial support request, and abstract submission for those requesting support, is 18 January 2019.
Best regards,
Cristina Mandrini, Hebe Cremades, and Carlos Francile,
On behalf of FReSWeD SOC and LOC
Monday Science Telecon, November 26
From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)
At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (November 26), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Jacob Bortnik from UCLA Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences. The topic will be "Reconstruction of inner magnetospheric density, waves, and particle fluxes based on a neural network technique".
The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting (Meeting number: 280 328 066), enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!
To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll-free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533
Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
JOB OPENING: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position at the University of Alabama in Huntsville
From: Gary P Zank (garyp.zank at gmail.com)
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position at the University of Alabama in Huntsville
The Department of Space Science of the University of Alabama in Huntsville is seeking an outstanding scientist and teacher to fill a tenure-track assistant professor position in the field of low-temperature plasma (LTP) science, broadly defined. This is the first of three positions that will be filled in this general area over the next three years, all of which are expected to support and complement a recently awarded National Science Foundation Established Program in Support of Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grant in low-temperature plasma physics. Within the general field of LTP science, areas of particular interest to the Department include solar physics, interplanetary and heliospheric physics, magnetospheric physics, physics of the very local interstellar medium, dusty and/or complex plasma, gas discharge physics, and plasma interactions with soft and/or hard matter. For more information and how to apply, please visit https://www.uah.edu/cspar/jobs.
Reviewing of applicants will begin by January 18. 2019.
JOB OPENING: Research Associate Position at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
From: Hiroshi Hasegawa, Yoshifumi Saito, Iku Shinohara (hasegawa.hiroshi at jaxa.jp)
JAXA is looking for outstanding young researchers who participate in the space plasma and geospace projects such as the Geotail mission in collaboration with NASA’s MMS mission and JAXA’s Arase (ERG) mission. See the following website for details and other research projects:
The employment period may be extended up to 3 years, with evaluation every fiscal year. The application deadline is 17:00 JST on Thursday, December 20, 2018.
JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Arizona
From: Federico Fraschetti (ffrasche at lpl.arizona.edu)
The Department of Planetary Sciences/Lunar & Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona expects to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the field of space physics/astrophysics. The successful applicant will work in collaboration with Dr. Federico Fraschetti. The department has an active research program in plasma astrophysics, heliophysics and theoretical astrophysics. The primary work is expected to be theoretical and computational. The study encompasses a wide range of topics relating in particular to particle acceleration at interplanetary shock waves. Substantial theoretical experience in such a topic is thus highly desirable for this position. To ensure full consideration, applicants should submit a cover letter (1 page), Curriculum Vitae, a statement of research interest highlighting past achievements and future plans (up to 3 pages) by December 31st 2018. They should also arrange for three letters of reference to be provided separately by the same date to the email address ffrasche at lpl.arizona.edu . The successful applicant will be expected to conduct a highly competitive program of scientific research, prepare proposals to secure research resources (for example, access to high performance computing) and write scientific articles for publication in peer reviewed journals. PhD in the field of space physics and a proven track record of independent research in the research theme is a minimum qualification; PhD must be received by the start date of the position. Strong background in Physics is required.
JOB OPENING: PostDoc Position at the University of Oslo
From: Lasse Clausen (lasse.clausen at fys.uio.no)
The Plasma and Space Physics section of the University of Oslo seeks candidates for a postdoctoral position within the field of data analysis and instrument development. The contract will be over 2 1/2 years.
The successful candidate will be a part of the Section for Plasma and Space Physics at The Department of Physics as well as the 4DSpace strategic research initiative. The main focus of these groups is to advance our understanding of high latitude electrodynamics and its impact on technological systems like GPS and Galileo. For more information, see: http://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/research/projects/4dspace/
In July 2017 the first Norwegian scientific satellite was launched into a polar orbit. On board it carries the multi-needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) developed and built at the University of Oslo. This instrument is capable of measuring the ionospheric plasma density with a sampling rate of 1000 Hz, thereby mapping the ionospheric state at an unprecedented resolution. The successful candidate will utilize this unique dataset to achieve two goals: (1) map ionospheric structuring and its driving processes in the mid- and low-latitude region; and (2) characterize the m-NLP instrument on board NorSat-1 as well as its interaction with the plasma environment. The second part will involve comparisons between actual NorSat-1 data and measurements obtained in our new plasma chamber – the successful candidate is expected to take a leading part in the development of this new capability here at the University of Oslo. Another key element of this part is to develop future versions of the m-NLP to be flown on other satellites and rockets together with our technical staff. We expect that this work will lead to several significant advances in the field of plasma turbulence.
Please apply by clicking on this link: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/160588/postdoctoral-research-fellowship-in-plasma-and-space-physics
JOB OPENING: A PhD Student Position in Space Physics Group at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
From: Minna Palmroth, Emilia Kilpua (minna.palmroth(a)helsinki.fi)
The Space Physics Group at the Department of Physics is a leading European space physics group specialised both in observations and modelling of space plasmas. For example, we develop the novel global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator and have a strong focus on solar eruptions both in observations and using modelling.
We are now opening a doctoral student position. The research of the PhD student will focus on modeling of suprathermal populations in the solar corona and solar wind. Prior knowledge in any of the following areas is considered an advantage: Kinetic plasma physics, physics of the solar corona and solar wind, gyrokinetic theory, closure relations in fluid models of plasmas. Other useful skills include: Python, C/C++, supercomputer environments.
We offer a position in a dynamic and international research group, with a possibility to network and to develop as a researcher. The positions are available immediately. The positions are open until they are filled.
For more information, please visit:
For specifics about the position, contact Professor Minna Palmroth (minna.palmroth ‘at’ helsinki.fi) and Associate Professor Emilia Kilpua (emilia.kilpua ‘at’ helsinki.fi). Interested candidates should send their informal application, CV, list of publications, and a maximum of three names to act as references to the above addresses.
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:
To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison
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