Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun May 15 09:14:51 PDT 2022
Volume XXIX, Issue 30
Table of Contents
1. White Papers??? Special Issue of Frontiers
2. MEETING: Solar Physics High Energy Research (SPHERE) Workshop — 11–15 July 2022 — Boulder, CO, USA + Windisch, CH + online
3. MEETING: PUNCH 3 Meeting Second Announcement
4. MEETING: iid2022: Statistical Methods for Event Data - Illuminating the Dynamic Universe
5. MEETING: Solar Wind 16 Meeting in 2023
6. Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Leadership of Competed Space Missions: Report Release Webinar
7. Next ISWI Webinar Series Announcement
8. Online Cold-Plasma Seminar
9. Magnetosphere Online Seminar Series
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
White Papers??? Special Issue of Frontiers
From: Joe Borovsky (jborovsky at spacescience.org)
Space-Physics community members are putting substantial efforts and ideas into white papers for the U.S. Heliophysics Decadal Survey process and community members in Europe and the U.S. have recently put substantial efforts and ideas into white papers for Vision 2050 and Heliophysics 2050. There are also other ideas in the international community about the needs of future Space Physics research efforts.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences has a special issue now open “The Future of Space Physics 2022”
to provide a format for a reference-able, archived, accessible collection of these ideas from around the world.
A variety of publication formats are available in this special issue: Opinion articles, Perspective articles, Original Research articles, Reviews and Mini-Reviews, Hypothesis and Theory articles, Commentary articles, Technology and Code articles, ….. Please join this collection and make the ideas about the future of space physics available to the community. As soon as they are accepted for publication, the individual articles are published. Upon completion of the special issue an open-access e-book collection of all articles will be available for download.
The special-issue editors are Phil Erickson, Joe Borovsky, Benoit Lavraud, Gian Luca Delzanno, Alexa Halford, and Sabrina Savage.
MEETING: Solar Physics High Energy Research (SPHERE) Workshop — 11–15 July 2022 — Boulder, CO, USA + Windisch, CH + online
From: Amir Caspi (amir at boulder.swri.edu)
The Solar Physics High Energy Research (SPHERE) Workshop -- formerly known as the RHESSI workshop, and now motivated by SolO/STIX, MinXSS, EOVSA, and many other current and upcoming missions -- will be held 11–15 July 2022. The workshop will be a hybrid format with online access and two in-person locations: Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado, USA and Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Windisch, Switzerland.
The workshop agenda will include plenary topical sessions, held jointly between all locations, featuring invited talks and facilitated, open discussions on targeted science questions. This interactive format is intended to foster both broader and deeper collaboration and understanding amongst our community, to propel progress and enhance success by breaking down silos both within the high-energy solar physics and among solar and space physics in general. Additional independent morning (EU) and afternoon (US) sessions will feature tutorials, posters, early-career talks, and open collaboration.
Registration is required, and U.S. hotel accommodations (for the contract hotel) will be handled through the registration form. Abstracts for posters and early-career presentations, and suggestions for open topical discussions, will be solicited soon.
The workshop website at https://sphere.boulder.swri.edu is operational with preliminary information, including travel information, and will be updated soon with registration information and deadlines.
We hope to see you soon in Boulder, Windisch, or online!
– Amir Caspi & Säm Krucker, on behalf of the organizing committee
MEETING: PUNCH 3 Meeting Second Announcement
From: Sarah Gibson (sgibson at ucar.edu)
Registration is now open (https://www2.swri.org/www2/punch/registration.htm) for the third PUNCH (Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere) Science Meeting (August 12th, 2022). Registration is free, with deadline July 15, 2022. This is a one-day meeting following up on the TESS meeting in Bellevue Washington (same hotel venue). It will consist of status updates in the morning and afternoon breakout science discussions. There will be a (free!) catered lunch for all registered attendees.
PUNCH is an in-development NASA mission that will image the outer corona and solar wind throughout the inner heliosphere. Major science topics include origin and evolution of the ambient solar wind and turbulence within it, and the physics and predictability of transient events including CMEs, CIRs, and shocks.
Further information including the agenda can be found at the PUNCH 3 website (https://punch.space.swri.edu/punch3meeting.php).
MEETING: iid2022: Statistical Methods for Event Data - Illuminating the Dynamic Universe
From: Max Bonamente, Lingling Zhao, Eric Feigelson, Penn State (lz0009 at uah.edu)
Dear Colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the meeting "iid2022: Statistical Methods for Event Data - Illuminating the Dynamic Universe", to be held on Nov. 15-19, 2022, at the scenic Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge in Guntersville, Alabama (U.S.A.). Registration is now open at https://sites.google.com/uah.edu/iid2022, where you can also find a preliminary list of lecturers/speakers and additional information on the workshop.
"iid2022" is a Workshop and Winter School on Statistics, aiming to further and disseminate the use of statistical methods for astronomy and space science, the physical sciences, and related disciplines. The specific focus of this workshop is on statistical methods for event data, given their ubiquity in astronomy. As datasets become more complex and computers enable more sophisticated methods of analysis, it is useful to bring together data experts and mathematical statisticians to discuss how statistical methods are applicable to the data. The workshop will be organized in two morning/afternoon daily sessions, with time for discussion, collaboration, and completion of statistical sample problems based on astronomical data. The workshop will also address advances in the software available for statistical data analysis.
Each session is expected to feature
1) An introductory lecture of approximately 45 minutes, primarily aimed to explain the current state of the subject, with emphasis on mathematical statistics and sample applications.
2) Shorter contributed talks and discussions of the methods, with emphasis on recent progress and applications to astronomy, space science, and other fields. This is the venue for astronomers to contribute their use of statistical methods for event data.
3) Hands-on collaborative analysis of sample problems with advanced software. Problems will be presented in advance of the workshop, and they can be completed in collaboration with other participants and the instructors present at the workshop. This School component of the Workshop is aimed primarily at students and early-career postdocs.
Although this is intended as an in-person gathering, there is also an option for virtual remote participation. Students and early-career postdocs are especially encouraged to attend: in partnership with the National Science Foundation, we plan to support early-career participants through the award of lodging and travel grants, and the waiver of registration fees (see the website for details).
We hope to see you in Huntsville for a week dedicated to statistics and astronomy!
On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)
Max Bonamente (UAH), Lingling Zhao (UAH), Eric Feigelson (Penn State)
MEETING: Solar Wind 16 Meeting in 2023
From: Stuart D. Bale (bale at berkeley.edu)
After a two-year delay occasioned by the COVID-19 situation, we’re pleased to announce a ‘save-the-date’ for the Solar Wind 16 (SW16) meeting. SW16 will convene the week of June 12, 2023 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California. Asilomar was the venue for the Solar Wind 2 and 3 meetings, in 1971 and 1974 respectively. Now, 50 years later, with measurements from Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, DKIST, and other assets we hope to reprise the excitement and enthusiasm of those early meetings. More details, a meeting website, and registration/abstracts milestones will follow soon. Please mark your calendars.
Stuart D. Bale (bale at berkeley.edu) for the SW16 SOC and LOC.
Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Leadership of Competed Space Missions: Report Release Webinar
From: Allison Jaynes (allison-n-jaynes at uiowa.edu)
Fostering diverse and inclusive teams that are highly skilled, innovative, and productive is critical for maintaining U.S. leadership in space exploration. While NASA has taken steps to advance diversity and inclusion in their workforce, they requested the National Academies undertake a study to evaluate ways they can address the lack of diversity in space mission leadership.
A new National Academies’ report, Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Leadership of Competed Space Missions, outlines near and long-term actions NASA can take to make opportunities for leadership and involvement in space missions more accessible, inclusive, and equitable. These recommendations range from changes to the mission proposal process to investments in STEM education and career pathways.
Learn more about the newly released report by joining us for a public briefing webinar on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, from 2-3pm ET. During the webinar, members of the committee will discuss the report’s key findings and recommendations and take questions from the audience.
Learn more about the committee at https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/increasing-diversity-in-the-leadership-of-competed-space-missions .
And register to attend the webinar at http://spacemissiondiversity.eventbrite.com .
Next ISWI Webinar Series Announcement
From: Graciela Molina (gmolina at herrera.unt.edu.ar)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the next ISWI Seminar by Dr. Mark Moldwin scheduled for May 25th at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT; 6:30 PM IST).
To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email to: iswisupport at bc.edu. Please include “ISWI Seminar Registration” in the subject line. There is a limit of 300 participants, so please register your interest as soon as possible. The MS Teams link will be sent to registered participants 2 days before the event.
Seminars will be recorded. Please visit the youtube channel of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs where the recording of the first ISWI webinar, which took place on 27 April 2022, is now available. The playlist which will also include future sessions can be accessed through the following link:
Direct link to the first session:
With kind regards,
Graciela Molina
on behalf of the ISWI Seminar Committee
Title: A Magneto-Inductive Magnetometer System for Boom-less Satellites, Global Magnetometer Networks and Backyard Citizen-Science Space Weather Monitors
Speaker: Mark B. Moldwin, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
Abstract: We are developing and testing a COTS magneto-inductive magnetometer and noise cancellation algorithms for boom-less satellites as well as for ground-based networks, and backyard space weather
citizen-science sensor suites. Our effort is focused on developing and testing a firmware modified PNI RM3100 magnetometer for space environment conditions for radiation and thermal environments from LEO to the surface of Europa. We are also combining the magnetometer with a
COTS dual-frequency GPS receiver for research and citizen science space weather observations. Our goal is to have magnetometers everywhere to make high-quality geomagnetic and space weather measurements. This seminar describes the new technology and highlights the innovative hardware and software solution that enables global sensor nets and constellation missions.
Online Cold-Plasma Seminar
From: Pedro Resendiz (resendiz at lanl.gov)
Dear colleagues,
Please join us for the Online Cold-Plasma Seminar series on May 18th, 2022.
Details can be found at:
where the zoom link will be posted prior to each seminar. You can also join the distribution mailing list by contacting Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov).
The speaker is Justin Lee from The Aerospace Corporation:
Speaker: Justin Lee, The Aerospace Corporation.
Title: On the need for more frequent cold ion measurements: Perspectives from investigating EMIC waves.
Date: May 18th, 2022
Time: 11 AM-12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 4-5 PM Universal Time Coordinated, 5-6 PM Central European Summer Time.
Pedro Resendiz
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Magnetosphere Online Seminar Series
From: Homayon Aryan, David Sibeck, Kyle Murphy et al., (magnetosphere.seminars at gmail.com)
We invite you to join us every Monday at 12pm (ET) for the weekly Magnetosphere Online Seminar Series. On Monday May 16, Eric Winter will talk about Numpy.
A link to join the seminar via Zoom or YouTube can be found on our home page:https://msolss.github.io/MagSeminars/
The password to join the Zoom seminar is: Mag at 1
You can view the current 2021 schedule here:
Add your name to our mailing list here:
Read about previous talks here:
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:
To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison
AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home
SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com
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