Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Oct 7 08:31:47 PDT 2022
Volume XXIX, Issue 58
Table of Contents
1. Obituary for Vincent Wickwar
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Obituary for Vincent Wickwar
From: Jan J Sojka (Jan.Sojka at usu.edu)
Vincent Beauchamp Wickwar, a longtime member of the Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences and Professor of Physics at Utah State University, died on September 27, 2022 at his home in Logan, Utah. Dr. Wickwar was an early pioneer in Aeronomy and Space Physics, which is a field devoted to the scientific study of the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets. Dr. Wickwar moved to Logan in 1988 to join the faculty of USU to take advantage of the low level of light pollution in Northern Utah's Cache Valley. Here he would create a unique, laser- based upper atmospheric observatory to study the complex conditions of the Earth's atmosphere located at the edge of geospace above 100 km.
One of Dr. Wickwar's major contributions early in his career to the field of aeronomy was to realize and encourage through both his leadership and example the merits of collaborative investigations that could be accomplished through the combination of both radar and optical measurements to achieve a broader perspective on the atmospheric phenomena being studied. At USU, Dr. Wickwar taught graduate courses in optics and aeronomy while serving over many years as a thesis advisor for multiple graduate students. He has been the principal investigator on numerous grants involving studies of the upper atmosphere employing lidar (light detecting and ranging) systems, photometers, Fabry-Perot interferometry, and incoherent-scatter (IS) radar. From 1973 to 1988, Dr. Wickwar was employed at SRI International in Menlo Park, California, where he was co-principal investigator of the Sondrestrom, Greenland based IS radar and principal investigator on numerous IS radar studies.
Dr. Wickwar's field of IS aeronomy was created in the wake of the US-USSR nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, with the US wanting to better understand the possible effects of high altitude nuclear detonations on long-range communications. By using the recently created IS radar systems, scientists were able for the first time to observe the ionospheric physics associated with high altitude detonations. The thinking at the time was that if the US or others were to ever repeat the high altitude nuclear tests or, more ominously, in the event of a nuclear war, an IS radar (with the capability of measuring plasma densities, temperatures, and motions) would be a much better diagnostic of the fundamental processes that produced the observed effects on communications. Now, modern applications of these technologies are employed to better understand global climate changes, among other natural phenomena.
Dr. Wickwar was an expert in esoteric scientific innovations and discoveries, but he was also thoroughly at ease with and enjoyed interacting with non-science focused students while teaching two beloved introduction to sciences courses for USU undergraduate students. Born in New London, Connecticut, in 1943, Dr. Wickwar's early years were spent in New York City, where his British-born father William Hardy Wickwar worked at the United Nations and mother Margaret Wickwar as a social worker and later a museum docent. Dr. Wickwar's formative years were spent in Princeton, New Jersey, where as a young man he occasionally encountered Albert Einstein, who was an early inspiration for Dr. Wickwar's lifetime love of physics. Dr. Wickwar's father's work as an international civil servant at one point took Dr. Wickwar to Lebanon, where he learned French at the Jesuit School of Beirut. Upon returning to the US, he attended Pomfret School in Connecticut, and later gained admission to Harvard College's Class of 1965 where he majored in Physics. He received a PhD in Space Physics at Rice University in 1971 under the mentorship of Dr. William E. Gordon, who was one of the creators of the Arecibo IS radar in Puerto Rico. Dr. Wickwar also performed postdoctoral research at Yale University. Dr. Wickwar maintained that from an early age his parents nurtured his many hobbies, including photography, which became a lifetime passion. His interest in photography served as his early introduction to optics, the underlying basis for the complex lidar and other optics-based systems he employed in his academic and research studies.
At the time of his death, Dr. Wickwar was one of the principal investigators in a large multi-university collaborative grant from the Defense Advanced Research Program Agency (DARPA) to employ Dr. Wickwar's lidar system to collect detailed density and temperature measurements from the mesopause region - the junction between Earth's upper atmosphere and space.
Dr. Wickwar enjoyed wonderful collegial relations with many aeronomy scientists around the world. His passion and strong interest in aeronomy and space physics research will be very much missed by friends and colleagues.
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SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison
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SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com
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