Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 18 23:17:41 PDT 2022

Volume XXIX, Issue 60


Table of Contents

1. MEETING: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 19-21, 2023 — First Announcement

2. MEETING: PUNCH 4 Summer Meeting and PUNCH Winter Telecon

3. Online Cold Plasma Seminar Series

4. Outer Heliosphere/LISM Online Seminar, Wednesday, Oct 19th 11AM EDT

5. JOB OPENING: Permanent Academic Positions at Queen Mary University of London

6. JOB OPENING: Two Positions at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

7. JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position in Machine Learning  and Data Science

8. JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position in Planetary Science - Cosmic Dust / Heliosphere

9. JOB OPENING: Two Space Weather PhD Positions at the University of Otago (New Zealand)

10. JOB OPENING: PhD Researcher Position in the University of Oulu


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


MEETING: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 19-21, 2023 — First Announcement

From: Kamen Kozarev (kkozarev at astro.bas.bg)

International Workshop on Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 19-21, 2023

This interdisciplinary workshop will focus on applications of Computer Vision and Machine / Deep Learning techniques to heliophysics research and forecasting frameworks, as well on the integration of these techniques into modeling efforts of solar and heliospheric phenomena.

Topics to be covered:
- Computer Vision and Machine Learning applications in 

   - Solar magnetism 

   - Solar activity (flares, CMEs, particles)

   - Space weather forecasting, gaps and applications that can be tackled with CV and ML

   - Magnetospheres (terrestrial and planetary) and ionospheres
   - Heliospheric radio emissions

CV/ML techniques, explainable ML

- Open source tools for CV and ML (Python, OpenCV, scikit-learn, TF/Pytorch, etc).

Scientific Organising Committee:
Astrid Veronig (Graz University)
Manolis Georgoulis (Academy of Athens)
Long Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Pietro Zucca (ASTRON, The Netherlands Institute of Radio Astronomy)
Shane Maloney (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
Kamen Kozarev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Further information about abstract submission, registration and conference hotel will be provided on the conference website in the coming weeks: https://mch23.astro.bas.bg


MEETING: PUNCH 4 Summer Meeting and PUNCH Winter Telecon

From: Sarah Gibson (sgibson at ucar.edu)

Save the dates!

PUNCH will host a community virtual meeting on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 7:00 AM U. S. Pacific, lasting 3.5 hours.  The topic of this telecon will be synergies between PUNCH and other missions/projects. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion.

In addition, we have set the dates for the fourth PUNCH science meeting, which will be at the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, Colorado, on July 6-7, 2023.

Further information will be forthcoming and maintained at the PUNCH meeting website  https://punch.space.swri.edu/punch_science_meetings.php


Online Cold Plasma Seminar Series

From: Justin Holmes, Gian Luca Delzanno, Pedro Resendiz Lira (jcholmes at lanl.gov)

Please join us for the Online Cold-Plasma Seminar series on October 19th, 2022. 
Details can be found at:
where the zoom link will be posted prior to each seminar. You can also join the distribution mailing list by contacting Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov).

The speaker is Lauren Blum from LASP at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Speaker: Lauren Blum, LASP/CU Boulder
Title: The role of cold plasma in EMIC wave structure and evolution
Date: October 19th, 2022
Time: 11 AM-12 PM Eastern Daylight time, 3-4 PM Universal Time Coordinated, 5-6 PM Central European Summer time


Outer Heliosphere/LISM Online Seminar, Wednesday, Oct 19th 11AM EDT

From: Justyna Sokol, Elena Provornikova, Marc Kornbleuth (Elena.Provornikova at jhuapl.edu)

Dear Colleagues,

We are continuing virtual bi-weekly seminars to discuss science advances in the field of the outer heliosphere and local interstellar medium.

Please join us on Wednesday, Oct 19th 11:00 am EDT for a presentation by Dr. Matina Gkioulidou (Johns Hopkins APL) "On the Energization of Pickup Ions Downstream of the Heliospheric Termination Shock by Comparing 0.52–55 keV Observed Energetic Neutral Atom Spectra to Ones Inferred from Proton Hybrid Simulations".

A link to join the meeting via Zoom will be posted on the website https://outer.helio.zone/ shortly before the meeting.


JOB OPENING: Permanent Academic Positions at Queen Mary University of London

From: Christopher Chen (christopher.chen at qmul.ac.uk)

The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Queen Mary University of London are advertising a set of academic positions as part of a major investment in its strategic research themes, with 25 positions at Lecturer / Senior Lecturer level and 5 positions at Reader / Professor level. The research areas for these positions include any areas of Heliophysics, Space Plasma Physics, Space Weather, and Plasma Astrophysics. We encourage candidates to apply whose research would complement, enhance or expand the work we currently undertake in these areas.

Successful applicants could work in any of the schools in the Faculty, although in the above areas would most likely work primarily in the Astronomy Unit within the Department of Physics and Astronomy, which is itself within the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences. In the UK’s most recent national research assessment (2021 REF), 98% of our research was rated internationally excellent and world leading (3*/4*). Those appointed would be welcomed, supported, mentored in their academic career, and fully integrated into the positive and supportive environment of the School, Department, and research group. Queen Mary's mission statement is to be the most inclusive university of its kind, anywhere.

The Astronomy Unit is one of the largest such research groups in the UK, with 14 full-time permanent academic staff, as well as many postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, and a vibrant visitors' research programme. Our research focuses on several active areas of modern astrophysics: Space & Astrophysical Plasma Physics, Cosmology & Relativity, and Extrasolar Planets & Planet Formation. Our members play key roles in many space missions and large collaborations, e.g., NASA's Parker Solar Probe and ESA's Solar Orbiter, together with other projects including the Square Kilometre Array, the Vera Rubin Observatory, Euclid, LIGO and LISA. We run comprehensive undergraduate and masters taught programmes in Astrophysics, maintain a successful PhD research training programme, and undertake an extensive range of outreach activities, both within the local area and nationally. 

For more information about these positions, please see: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/strategic-hires-se/

For the Astronomy Unit, please see: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/spcs/astro/ and for the Space & Astrophysical Plasmas group, please see: https://www.space-plasma.qmul.ac.uk

The deadline for applications is 12th November 2022.

Please get in touch if you are interested in applying, or would like more information.

David Burgess, Christopher Chen, Heli Hietala
Space & Astrophysical Plasmas Group, QMUL


JOB OPENING: Two Positions at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

From: Matina Gkioulidou, Ian Cohen (matina.gkioulidou at jhuapl.edu)

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) is conducting a search to fill two (2) positions to conduct basic scientific research in the field of Solar and Space Physics: 1) a Postdoctoral Fellow with emphasis on data analytics and particle instrument work applied to studies of planetary magnetospheres and 2) a Staff Scientist to conduct basic scientific research in upper atmospheric and ionospheric physics.

Postdoctoral Fellow - Magnetospheric Physics

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to conduct basic scientific research in the field of Solar and Space Physics with an emphasis on data analytics and particle instrument work applied to studies of planetary magnetospheres. The successful candidate will work in an exciting environment, interfacing with experts in comprehensive data analysis and instrument development for a multitude of Solar and Space Physics missions as well as state-of-the-art modeling of geospace and other space environment systems.
The APL Space Physics Group (SRP) has a broad and active basic research program that includes data analysis, theory and modeling studies of Earth's magnetosphere and Sun-Earth connections, planetary magnetospheres throughout the solar system, and heliospheric and solar physics. It also has a significant and long-running history of developing space instrumentation hardware and mission concepts. Current science and instrument participation in active missions includes ACE, Geotail, Juno, MMS, New Horizons, Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, STEREO, and Voyager. Future missions in development include Europa Clipper, EZIE, JUICE, and IMAP. In addition, the Group is playing the leading role in the multi-institutional, cross-disciplinary Center for Geospace Storms, one of the three NASA DRIVE Science Centers recently selected for Phase II.

Job Summary:
The research position focuses on applying comprehensive data analysis and analytics techniques for systems understanding of the complex coupled dynamics of the terrestrial magnetosphere, as well as developing new particle instruments for future Heliophysics and Planetary Science missions. The successful candidate would be expected to publish original research in peer-reviewed journals and team with SRP and other APL Space Exploration Sector staff to pursue external support for continued research and instrument development work. The successful candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in physics, electrical engineering, or a related technical field, or the demonstrated equivalent experience.

For further details please contact Matina Gkioulidou (Matina.Gkioulidou at jhuapl.edu). Interested applicants can submit their applications online at the following link:

Staff Scientist - Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics

The Geospace & Earth Science Group (SRG) of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) is seeking a Staff Scientist to conduct basic scientific research in Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics.
The APL Geospace & Earth Science Group (SRG) has a broad and active basic research program that primarily focuses on data analysis studies of Earth's ionosphere and thermosphere, with specific expertise in data assimilation and working with sponsors to transition from research-to-operations. It also has significant development programs in space instrumentation and mission design. Active Civil Space missions and projects in the group include TIMED, AMPERE, SuperDARN, SuperMAG, MMS, and Lunar Vertex; missions currently in development include EZIE and IMAP. In addition, the Group is involved in multiple suborbital geospace and technology demonstration missions as well as multiple programs funded by National Security Space sponsors. The Group seeks to apply advances in modeling, simulation, and analysis capabilities afforded by increased computational power to augment and maximize the scientific understanding obtained from new and existing atmospheric and ionospheric datasets, both observational and simulated.

Job Summary:
The Staff Scientist will conduct fundamental research in Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics, including numerical modeling and analysis of ground- and/or space-based datasets, presenting and publishing the research findings in peer-reviewed journals and at national and international conferences, and leading and participating in NASA and NSF grant proposals. The successful candidate will participate in the formulation and development of novel concepts for future Heliophysics mission opportunities. The successful candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in physics or a related field with at least five (5) years of additional experience after Ph.D.

For further details please contact Ian Cohen (Ian.Cohen at jhuapl.edu). Interested applicants can submit their applications online at the following link:


JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position in Machine Learning  and Data Science

From: Chip Manchester (chipm at umich.edu)

The University of Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)  announces the opening of several postdoctoral positions. As supporting faculty, see below, we are seeking a postdoctoral applicant interested in applying machine learning and data science to space science and space weather forecasting.  The applicant's primary responsibility will be the development of machine learning models to forecast energetic events in the solar and Earth space environment including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, solar energetic particles and geomagnetic disturbances. The postdoc will be advised by experts in machine learning and space physics and space weather.

Applicants should have completed a Ph.D. in Statistics, Data Science, Space Science, or related fields, with experience in machine learning.  Requirements also include extensive computational skills including working knowledge of modern programming languages and experience handling and analyzing large quantities of scientific data. The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for up to four years, contingent on performance and availability of research funds. Starting salary will be in the range between $55,000 and $60,000 per annum depending on qualifications and prior experience. Review of applications will begin immediately. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer.

Interested applicants should apply via the Michigan Institute for Data Science “AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Program”, specifying two faculty mentors, one science mentor and one AI mentor. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, publication list, short description of research interests, and names and contact information of two individuals who can provide letters of reference. Supporting faculty include Professor Yang Chen (ychenang at umich.edu) Department of Statistics, Professor Alfred Hero (hero at umich.edu) Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,  Biomedical Engineering and Statistics and Professor David Fouhey (fouhey at umich.edu) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Research Professors Gabor Toth (gtoth at umich.edu) and Ward Manchester (chipm at umich.edu) in the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering. Applications and inquiries can be directed to any of the supporting faculty listed above.  Applications are due on November 7 and decisions will be made by December 2 2022.


JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position in Planetary Science - Cosmic Dust / Heliosphere

From: Veerle Sterken (vsterken at ethz.ch)

Job Announcement:

The Astrophysical Dust Group at the Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (IPA), ETH Zürich, in Switzerland, is looking for a highly motivated candidate to apply for a postdoctoral researcher position, within the framework of the ERC funded project ASTRODUST: “The heliosphere and the dust: characterisation of the solar and interstellar neighbourhood”. 

The project includes cosmic dust data analysis, modelling of the interstellar dust transport through the heliosphere, and applying the results to other astrospheres and the solar system in different environments of the interstellar medium.

For more details on the project, requirements, and for submission of the application, see: 


Only applications submitted via these forms will be considered.

Application deadline: November 1st, 2022.

For questions (not the application!): vsterken [-at-] ethz.ch
Website: https://astrodust.phys.ethz.ch/


JOB OPENING: Two Space Weather PhD Positions at the University of Otago (New Zealand)

From: Anna Tarr, Craig Rodger (anna.tarr at otago.ac.nz)

The Space Physics research group at University of Otago in New Zealand is leading the Solar Tsunami research programme, focused on how energy infrastructure like power networks would be impacted an extreme space weather event. We have access to (rare) industrial datasets as well as world-leading international collaborators to answer very important global questions around space weather by creating validated models. More information on the Solar Tsunami's research programme is available from our website:

We seek two PhD candidates to work inside the programme. Three years of scholarship funding is available for each candidate (stipend and fees), at the rate of the University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship (currently
NZ$28,600 stipend per annum). Applicants will have completed a BSc(Hons) or MSc in Physics or a closely related discipline in the physical sciences or electrical engineering. They will have a very strong academic record, as will as evidence of a research background at an appropriate level.

We have two projects available, one more suitable for data analysis and the other for theoretical modelling. Both projects will combine aspects of modelling with data analysis, combining datasets from many different sources. Travel to international conferences is expected. We seek candidates who can begin their PhD study in New Zealand before 1 October 2023.

More details on the requirements for entering the Otago PhD programme can be found at: 


JOB OPENING: PhD Researcher Position in the University of Oulu

From: Lauri Holappa (lauri.holappa at oulu.fi)

Fully funded (4-year) PhD researcher position in Space Weather (coupling between ionospheric currents and solar wind). The earliest start date January 1, 2023. See the full announcement here: http://rekry.saima.fi/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&lang=en&id=000014035&jc=1 


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:

To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison

AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home

SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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