[W6YRA] Repeater SWR

Ryan Caron rcaron at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Apr 15 19:50:01 PDT 2014


I picked up another SWR meter ( http://amzn.com/B002KYE190 ) since we 
began to suspect the validity of the AWM-23 meter we had been using 
since it is showing a higher SWR and lower output power than where we 
had started.

Unfortunately it is consistent, with a SWR of about 1.8:1 and a power 
out of the duplexer of a little over 20W.

This is unusual since the repeater antenna, when hooked up to the 
MFJ-269 analyzer, shows a much lower SWR of about 1.4:1. So either it, 
or the jumper cables used during the test, are suspect.

If anybody has any PL259 or N jumper cables, or UHF SWR meters or 
analyzers, I'd appreciate a second opinion.


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